K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx


Philosophy of Discipline

We believe that discipline is the basis of learning. Discipline is necessary to create and preserve the safe and orderly conditions essential for every student’s educational success. Children learn and grow best in a safe and cooperative environment. The administration expects all students to conduct themselves in accordance with accepted standards of behavior in order to create the best possible learning environment. As representatives of our school, we believe that Pillow Academy students are responsible for exhibiting self-discipline in all situations. They are expected to conduct themselves at school and at all school functions in ways befitting a school seeking to establish Christian standards of learning and living. Our students’ actions should reflect favorably on our school at all times. Academic honesty as well as moral integrity is expected of every student at Pillow Academy. We believe children must learn to take responsibility for their actions and all of us together – parents, teachers, and staff – have the responsibility to teach students to be accountable for their actions. Your support and encouragement at home will be of great benefit to your child’s progress in this area.

Types of Disciplinary Action

At the beginning of the school year and throughout the year, teachers will thoroughly discuss and model all classroom expectations. Teachers will implement and enforce all classroom and school rules and regulations on a consistent basis using the appropriate disciplinary action(s) below. Any time a student chooses to disobey rules and regulations, there will be consequences imposed according to the seriousness of the problem in order to teach responsibility. If a student demonstrates continual noncompliance or violates policy that calls for expulsion, final approval of the expulsion will rest with the Pillow Academy Board of Directors. Disciplinary actions below will apply to any student who is on school property, in attendance at school, at any school-sponsored activity, or involved in any conduct at any other time or place that has a negative effect on maintaining school order and discipline, protecting the safety and welfare of others, or damaging the reputation of our school. These actions are listed in no specific order: ● Student-Teacher Conferences. ● Walking Recess-student will not participate in recess, but will walk and think about his or her actions that were inappropriate.


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