K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

● Suspension from Recess, Extracurricular Classes, or Other Special Activities (such as special events on campus, including but not limited to pep rallies, special class parties earned by the class for good behavior, movies earned by the class for good behavior, etc.). ● Work detail. In lieu of recess suspension, In School Suspension, or Out of School Suspension, a studentmaybeassignedworkdetailforinappropriatebehaviorordisciplineissues. The number of hours of work detail assigned will depend on the nature and severity of the violation. Workdetailwillbecompletedfrom7:00A.M.until7:55A.Monassigneddates. ● Field Trip Restrictions.

● Student-Administrative Conferences. ● Parent-Administrative Conferences. ● Administrative-Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

● In-School Suspension (ISS) – the student will be allowed to complete all work during the period of suspension but will be penalized at the end of the nine-week grading period at the rate of one point per subject for the first day of suspension and one point per subject for each consecutive day. Parents will pay the current cost of a substitute (approximately $65 per day). A Student will lose extracurricular privileges during the suspension period. Each student will receive a “D” for all Citizenship grades.

o 1 Point Deduction per day from the nine-week average in each class. o Students receiving ISS will receive a “D” in citizenship in each class.

● Out of School Suspension (OSS) – the student will be allowed to complete all work at home during the period of suspension but will be penalized at the end of the nine-week grading period at the rate of two points per subject for the first day of suspension and one point per subject for each additional day. Each student will receive an “F” for all Citizenship grades. o 2 Point Deduction per day from the nine-week average in each class. o 1 Point Deduction for each additional day from the nine-week average in each class. o Students receiving OSS will receive an “F” in citizenship. ● Permanent Expulsion from School

Basic Kindergarten Guidelines - Good Citizen Rules

There are five basic “Good Citizen” rules of behavior that are emphasized in the kindergarten classroom: 1. Follow directions the first time. 2. Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking. 3. Listen when others speak.


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