K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

4. Stay in your assigned area or seat. 5. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Kindergarten Consequences

If a child chooses to disobey a “Good Citizen” rule, the consequences are as follows: 1 st offense Verbal Warning and teacher reminds student of classroom rule. 2 nd offense Brief “time out” period and discussion of expectation 3 rd offense Time Out, work detail, walking recess, Private Student-Teacher Conference, note/call to parent, or parent-teacher-student conference

Teacher submitted discipline report via email to principal, Emailed discipline report to parents from principal (to be signed by parent) and/or in school suspension

4 th offense

Second discipline report emailed; student-principal conference

5 th offense Third discipline report sent home; conference with student, teacher, principal, and parents; further punishment from principal is possible Administration reserves the right to skip steps based on the nature of the offense.


Biting is absolutely not permitted. When the first offense occurs, the child will be placed in “Time Out” isolation and the parents will be contacted. If a biting incident is repeated, parents will be asked to come to school and take their child home.

Kindergarten Playground Rules

Please discuss the following rules with your student. 1. Never put rocks into your nose, mouth, ears, etc. or into anyone else’s. Rocks are not to be thrown or put into pockets. 25

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