K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

2. Sit on swing seats. Never stand on, lie across, twist, or jump out of the swings. 3. Do not walk near someone swinging. 4. On the big playground set, do not jump off, climb up the slide, sit on the side of the bridge, or jump on top of the bridge area.

Consequences of Disobeying Classroom Rules and Regulations

Grades 1- 5

● First Offense: Verbal Warning and retaught expectation.

● Second Offense: Time Out, walking recess, work detail, private Student-Teacher Conference, note/call to parent, or parent-teacher-student conference.

● Third Offense: Teacher submitted discipline report via email to principal, Emailed discipline report to parents from principal (to be signed by parent) and/or in school suspension.

● Fourth Offense: Parent-Teacher Conference, Out of School Suspension (OSS). Teacher submitted discipline report via email to principal, Emailed discipline report to parents from principal (to be signed by parent) ● Additional offenses: Parent-Teacher-Student-Administrative Conference, consequences left to the discretion of the administration based on the nature of the offense the teacher will use this discipline report as a reference to assist in making judgments regarding conduct and citizenship grades.

PA Administration reserves the right to skip steps based on the nature of the offense.


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