General Policies
Severe Disruptions and Behaviors
If a student causes a severe disruption (ex. fighting, hiding from the teacher, etc.), engages in any form of vandalism (ex. writing on walls, floors, etc.), or “bullies” other students, the student will immediately be carried to the principal’s office. The severity of the infraction will determine the type of disciplinary action administered by the principal (see preceding list “Types of Disciplinary Action”).
Pillow Academy students are not to chew any form of gum during school hours.
Students determined by their teacher(s) to be cheating on a test, classwork, or homework will be given a zero on the assignment and their parents will be notified. They will receive ISS (In-School Suspension). Repeated violations will be dealt with more severely, and parents or guardians will be required to meet with school officials to determine whether or not the student will receive expulsion. Examples of behaviors considered as cheating by Pillow Academy: ● Lending or copying another’s homework in or out of class ● Giving or receiving answers to quizzes and tests ● Entering an academic testing situation with an unfair advantage ● Plagiarism, which is defined as, “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source” ( ● Violating testing procedures as defined by a teacher in an individual classroom ● A cell phone, iWatch, or other electronic devices brought into a test or quiz ● Forging a signature
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