K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

policy and determine all questions arising in the administration, interpretation, and application of this policy.

Break-Ins, Defacements or Vandalism

A student involved in a break-in and/or malicious damage to school property and/or property belonging to school employees and/or an employee’s immediate family will be suspended with his or her readmission to Pillow contingent upon financial compensation for all damages incurred, or at the discretion of the Board of Directors, the student will be expelled from Pillow without a refund of fees. The student may also be subject to legal action. Any minor acts of vandalism including damage to textbooks will require a student or the student’s parents to provide financial compensation for damages incurred. Failure to do so will require the student to face appropriate disciplinary action as determined by the administration.


Pillow does not condone the taking of another’s personal property. This includes “borrowing” of another’s books, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. without permission. Anyone involved in such activities will receive disciplinary action.

Weapons and Threats

A student possessing, displaying, using, concealing, or threatening to use any weapon or any instrument that could be classified as a weapon, will be subject to expulsion from Pillow Academy without a refund of fees and may face legal action. Any student, family member, or any other person making a threat toward Pillow Academy, the faculty, staff, administration, Board of Directors, and/or another student shall immediately be suspended and/or turned over to the appropriate authorities. A threat shall be defined as the following: ● Any written or verbal statement or deed that implies physical harm. ● Any written or verbal statement or deed that implies mayhem/destruction. ● Any written or verbal statement or deed that implies the threat to use a bomb, firearm(s), or other dangerous instrument. Any student or family member making such threat(s) is subject to having their contract terminated without a refund of fees.


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