K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

Bullying (Harassment, Hazing, and/or Intimidation):

These are all forms of bullying intended to purposely harm another person. Bullying may be physical, verbal, emotional, or written (including the use of Internet chat rooms, email, Facebook, etc.). Pillow is committed to providing a friendly, caring, and safe environment for our students and has a zero tolerance policy toward bullying of any kind. If such behavior does occur, students and/or their parents are encouraged to tell a teacher or administrator so that the incident may be dealt with promptly. Students found by the administration to be guilty of bullying in any form may face suspension from activities, internal and/or external suspension, and/or expulsion.


Showing disrespect toward a teacher, school employee, student, or guest of Pillow Academy will not be tolerated. Students who are disrespectful will receive disciplinary action based on the nature of disrespect and the number of recurrences. If the disrespect takes the form of physical contact with the staff or faculty member or a verbal threat, the student may be suspended, face legal action, and/or expelled from Pillow Academy at the discretion of the Board of Directors without a refund of fees.

Social Media Policy

At Pillow Academy, teachers, students, staff, and other school community members use social networking/media (Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, You Tube, blogs, etc.) as a way to connect with others, share educational resources, create educational content, enhance the classroom experience, and network within and outside of the school community. While social networking is fun and valuable, there are some risks. Social media refers to online tools and services that allow any Internet user to create and publish content. Many of these sites use personal profiles where users post information about themselves. (Popular social media tools include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, blogs, YouTube and Flickr). ● Students should use good judgment in all situations and behave in a way that will reflect positively themselves and the school. .

● Regardless of privacy settings, assume that all of the information shared on any social network is public information. Online “conversations/posts” are never private.

● Students should be respectful and always treat others in a respectful, positive and considerate manner.


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