K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

● Enter and exit in an orderly line. Walk at all times. ● Speak in low “inside” voices. ● Use good table manners. ● Clean the table, seats, and floor where you ate before leaving.

● Put all trash in the trashcan – not on the floor! ● Remain seated until the teacher dismisses you. ● Remember to say “Please” and “Thank you” to the lunchroom workers. ● Saving seats or isolating others is not permissible. ● Asking others to swap or share their lunch with you is not acceptable. ● Breaking in line is not acceptable. ● Touching food or taking food that belongs to another child is not permissible. On the playground ● Pushing, hitting, shoving, or “play fighting” is prohibited. ● Place all litter in garbage cans. ● Throwing sticks, sand, rocks, or leaves is unacceptable. ● Take turns on the playground equipment. ● Follow all safety rules that your teacher tells you. ● Use playground equipment correctly and for its intended purpose. In the classroom ● Distracting another student when he/she is working or listening to the teacher is unacceptable. ● Taking anything that does not belong to you is prohibited. ● Rearranging furniture without permission from the teacher is not permissible. ● Outside games are not to be played inside the building. ● Using obscene or insulting expressions is prohibited. ● Arguing with the teacher about tests, grades, directions, or punishments during class is unacceptable. Instead, talk to the teacher after class if you have questions.

● Always knock before entering another teacher’s classroom. ● Follow a teacher’s special rules as well as rules listed here.


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