K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

● Raise your hand to speak. Wait to be recognized. ● Pay attention and listen very carefully when your teacher is teaching. ● Talking to others during a test or performing any other action that indicates to your teacher or classmates that you are possibly cheating is prohibited. ● Throwing worksheets when passing them to another student is unacceptable. ● Always be respectful of your teachers and use “Mam” or “Sir” when addressing them. ● Making noises, blurting out comments, etc. are unacceptable. ● Chewing gum is NEVER allowed at school. ● Students should never stand around a teacher’s desk or touch personal items on a teacher’s desk without permission. ● Keep the area around your desk and inside your desk clean. Put all trash in the trashcan – not in your desk!

During assemblies

● Enter quietly and orderly. ● Listen and pay attention to the program. ● Disturbing students sitting around you is unacceptable. ● Booing, hissing, whistling, or stomping your feet is not permissible. ● Applaud politely when appropriate. ● Reading or doing any type of work during an assembly is not acceptable. ● Carrying food, drink, or gum into assembly areas is prohibited. ● Always sit with your class in your assigned area.

● Running or pushing when lining up to enter and exit the assembly area is unacceptable. ● Your feet should be placed in front of the seat of your chair, not in your seat, on the back of the seat in front of you, or rails in front of you. ● All trash should be placed in trash cans – not on the floor. DRESSCODE Kindergarten and Elementary students are required to dress in a manner that reflects modesty, Christian values, common sense, and neatness. The following specific uniform rules are to be followed by all elementary students.


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