K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

● Hair is to be worn no longer than the eyebrows in the front and no longer than the bottom of the ears on the sides. Hair is not to extend past the area of the neck normally covered by a polo-shirt collar. Boys may not wear ponytails or any unusual style designed, in the opinion of the administration, to distract or draw attention from the learning process. ● Earrings and other visible piercings are not permitted. ● Undershirts are limited to the following colors: white, green, gray, or gold. Only these colors may be worn under the uniform shirts. Undershirts should have no visible emblem or design that can be seen through the uniform shirt.


● Modesty shorts/shorts must be worn under girls’ jumpers, skirts, and dresses but should not be seen (shorts should not be longer than the hem of the dress). The modesty shorts should be a solid color of white, navy, dark green, gray, or black. ● Girls may also wear solid color leggings in white, navy, dark green, gray, or black. ● Only WHITE t-shirts or white turtlenecks may be worn under knit polo shirts or girls’ jumpers. No other colors are allowed. ● Earrings are to be worn only in ear lobes. No other visible piercings are allowed. ● Cheerleader uniforms may be worn on varsity football game days only with modesty shorts or cheerleader “bloomers” must be worn beneath uniforms. After football season, students must wear everyday school uniforms from Lands’ End. ● Skirts and shorts length should not exceed 3” above the top of the knee.

Dress Code Additions for K4 and K5 Only

● Kindergarten students are not required to tuck in shirts or wear belts. ● All K4 and K5 students must wear tennis shoes. ● Socks must be worn with shoes.

Dress Code Additions for Grades 1 - 5 Girls ● All shirttails must be tucked in with the exception of banded white blouses and straight “box hemmed” knit shirts Kindergarten students are not required to tuck in shirts or wear belts. ● Belts must be worn with items that have belt loops when a shirt is tucked in. ● Sandals may be worn as long as they do not resemble shower shoes or plastic flip-flops. Girls’ heels must not exceed 1½” height. Tennis shoes must be worn with socks.


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