K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

First Aid

If minor first aid is necessary, it will be administered by the secretary, principal, or a teacher. For more severe injuries, parents, emergency contacts, or an ambulance will be called depending on the severity of the situation.

Head Lice

A child who has been sent home with head lice must bring official documentation from the physician’s office stating that treatment has been administered and there are no nits present before the child can be readmitted to school. Pillow Academy adheres to a strict “ NONIT ”policy. In past years, over-the-counter products have proven to be very ineffective in treating these easily transmitted parasites.

Fever and Other Symptoms

If your child has fever, nausea, or other symptoms of sickness, please do not send him or her to school. A child must be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school .

Control of Communicable Diseases

Please report all contagious diseases to the school as soon as possible. This is of great help when other students in the class develop symptoms. These conditions would include but are not limited to: Chicken Pox Mononucleosis Gastroenteritis Strep Throat Viral Pneumonia Measles Scarlet Fever Staph Infections German Measles Mumps Scabies Impetigo Ringworm Hepatitis Lice PinkEye Meningitis Whooping Cough Intestinal Parasites Severe Upper Respiratory Infection

Students who are returning to school after being diagnosed with any communicable disease are asked to return with a doctor’s admit slip so as not to infect other students.


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