Administering Medication to Students
Parents are asked to give medication before and after school when possible. In the exceptional case when a student must take medicine at school, it will be given ONLY if a notarized medical form is on file. Parents of a child with any allergies and/or any special medical restrictions or needs should give this information in writing to the school secretary or principal at the beginning of the school year or as soon as possible. No student may keep medication or other forms of prescribed drugs on his or her person, or in his or her personal belongings. Parents should deliver all medicine to the school secretary or principal with written instructions for administering. Any student possessing medication, which has not been turned in or reported to the office, will be guilty of a serious breach of school regulations and could be subject to disciplinary action. It is highly recommended that students who take daily ADD/ADHD medication have a couple of extra doses at school labeled with the student’s name. This will remain in a safe locked location until needed. This is a method of ensuring that your child has a good day at school, and you do not have to make an unscheduled return trip.
“No Shots, No School”: Before a student can begin school, he/she should have proof on file in the elementary office that he/she is in compliance with the immunization requirements of the State of Mississippi. Failure to comply by the State Department of Health’s deadline will result in suspension from school until requirements are met. Immunization compliance forms can be secured through the County Health Department or your child’s pediatrician.
Field Trips
Various field trips will be taken throughout the year as part of the student’s learning experience. These are usually planned as an extension of the curriculum. In all cases, supervision will be provided by classroom teachers. Students may be required to bring money or food for some field trip activities. Students are expected to follow the same rules as if school were in session. Transportation will be provided by a Pillow bus or a chartered bus. A permission form will be sent home for each trip. A parent’s signature is required in order for the student to participate. Younger siblings are not to be included on these trips.
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