K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

4. The student displays outstanding leadership skills and a strong sense of responsibility. This judgment is made by fourth grade teachers with input from previous teachers, extracurricular teachers, and the principal. A ceremony and reception will be held to provide public recognition of inductees. They will also be required to further develop their leadership skills and sense of responsibility by participating in four service opportunities throughout the school year.


I. Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to provide the students, faculty and staff of Pillow Academy (PA) with notice of what conduct shall be deemed acceptable with regard to the use of Technology. The use of technology is one way of enhancing our mission to teach the skills, knowledge and behaviors students will need as responsible citizens in the global community. Studentslearncollaboration,communication,creativityandcriticalthinkingin a variety of ways throughout the school day.

II. This Policy covers all students, faculty, and staff (collectively “Users”).

III. This Policy applies to all Users at all times, regardless of their location. This policy applies whether or not the User is engaged in school related activity or making use of Pillow Academy Technology. . IV. “Technology” as used in this Policy, means any electronic communication tool, system, or process, including, but not limited to telephones, cellular telephones, computers, software, the Internet, web sites, or Internet related software and communication tools. For example, Technology encompasses all cellular and SMS text messages, email, instant messenger sessions, newsgroups, on-line forums, and file sharing and/or BitTorrent clients …………………………………………………………………….. TE#VI V. “PA Technology,” as used in this Policy, means any Technology owned, controlled, or provided by PA. . VI. Responsibilities of the User: Users of PA Technology must take full responsibility for what they publish, transmit, or possess. Users of PA Technology must connect equipment and install software in a manner that meets the technical and security standards set by Pillow Academy. Users are also responsible for keeping their account information confidential at all times. ………………………………

A certain measure of caution and awareness is required by Users to ensure the efficient and


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