Students and Parents/Guardians acknowledgement ● The school’s network filters will be applied to a device’s connection to the internet and any attempt to bypass the network filters is prohibited. ● Pillow Academy reserves the right to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing technology problems or was the source of an attack or virus infection. ● Students are prohibited from: o Using their personal device in the classroom or bringing a device that infects the network with a virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy, or provide access to unauthorized data or information. o Processing or accessing information on school property related to “hacking.” Altering or bypassing network security policies ● Students and parents should be aware that devices are subject to search by school administrators if the device is suspected of a violation of the student code of conduct. ● Students understand that PA personnel may monitor and access any equipment connected to PA’s network resources . ● If the device is locked or password protected, the student will be required to unlock the device at the request of a school administrator. ● Students will gain access to PA’s internet through an active directory. Each student will be given an email/user id and password to login. Each student is responsible for knowing their unique login. Students are required to keep passwords secure and students should not share this information. ● Printing from school issued devices will be limited at school. ● Each student will be required to sign a “Device User Agreement” and an “Acceptable Use Agreement” upon the issuing of the device Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Devices Thestudentisresponsibleformaintainingafullyworkingdevice. Thisisexpectedregardlessof wheredamagecouldpossiblyoccur-eitheroncampusoroffcampus. Ifthestudent’sdeviceis damaged,thestudentwillberesponsibleforpayingforthedamages. Aletterwillbesenttothe parentsofthestudentdetailingthedamageandcosttofixthedevice. Unpaidfeeswillresultin examsand/orreportcardsbeinghelduntilthefeeispaid. Ifadeviceisstolen,thestudentmust notifyAdministrationimmediatelyandmayrequireapolicereporttobefiled. Furtherinstructions onhowtoproceedwillbeprovidedtothestudentandparents. Thestudentmayormaynotincur afeetoreplacethedevice. Ifadeviceislostthestudentwillbeassessedareplacementcost fee. Astudentwhohasadevicelostorstolenwillnolongerbeabletotaketheirschoolissued device off campus without permission from Administration.
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