K4-5 Student Handbook 23-24.docx

If a problem develops with the student’s Chromebook, the student should email: support@pak12.com. Please include Student Name; Grade; and accurate description of problem.

Network Considerations: Users should strive to maintain appropriate bandwidth for school-related work and communications. Alluserswillusethe“PAStudent”wirelessnetworktoaccesstheinternet. Personal Safety 1. Students will not post personal contact information without the permission of parents and teachers. Personal contact information includes but is not limited to photos, address or telephone number. 2. Students will promptly disclose to a teacher or other school employee any inappropriate messages. 3. Students will not use district network resources to access or store material that is profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination toward other people.


Penalties for violation of this policy may include loss of PA Technology privileges, discipline, suspension, expulsion, or termination. Civil and criminal penalties may also be imposed.

Issues and circumstances may arise that are not covered in these guidelines. All problems and situations involving interpretation of and enforcement of these policies and rules are the responsibility of the Administration.

Accelerated Reader (AR) Students read books on or above grade level and take a computer-generated quiz on the book. Points are earned for correct answers. AR tests may be taken in the classroom under the teacher’s supervision or in the library under the librarian’s supervision. Students are invited to choose rewards from the Prize Shelf when they reach predetermined point levels.


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