

Hockey Day in Russell!


theday.Altogetheralmost20RMHAteams took part. Games were also played on the community ice fromnoon to 9 p.m. The Second Russell Scouts sold hot chocolate and hot dogs at lunchtime near the outdoor rink. The day finished off with a chili dinner upstairs at the arena, and proceeds went to the Embrun Good NeighboursFoodbank. Hockey Day was celebrated throughout thecountry,includingNHLgamesfeaturing Canadian teams and special events in communities nationwide. In Russell the Legion and curling club also joined in by televising games on their big screens. UnfortunatelyforSenators’fans,theOilers won.

RUSSELL | HockeyDay inRussell was a greatsuccessandafunday,saysRussell MinorHockeyAssociationpresidentPaul Latreille. From9a.m.to9p.m.onSaturday,February 11,thearenaandoutdoorrinkonConcession St. in Russell were filled with activities. It startedwith the first event on Friday night, the Arena Banner Contest. Early Saturday theRMHAwelcomedspecialguests,hockey stars Justin Papineau and SheanDonovan. The outdoor rink hosted six hockey games,and15teamsenteredtheteamskills competition held in the arena throughout

photo Candice Vetter

Thesetwoyoungskaters,SamuelandMaryseVienneau,enjoythepublicskating segmentofHockeyDayinRussellonFebruary11.Accordingtotheirmom,Maryse admiredherbrother’shockeyplayingsomuchthat“Wehadtobuyherauniform, and she was so happy when she saw it.” Both children seem happy skating here.

LE PÉTROLE FAIT DES HEUREUX! GAGNANTS DU MOIS DE JANVIER 2012 : à gauche, GÉRALD PAQUETTE (Embrun) et, à droite, LOUISE LEDUC (Embrun) Ils reçoivent chacun 100 $ en bon d’achat de Roxanne (au centre) de la Coopérative d’Embrun

photo Candice Vetter

These two Russell Warriors team members take a few practice shots between games on the outdoor rink at Hockey Day in Russell on February 11.

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Ven./Fri. 17 Sam./Sat. 18 Dim./Sun. 19 Lun./Mon. 20 Mar./Tue. 21 Mer./Wed. 22 Jeu./Thurs. 23

726, rue Principale St., Casselman, ON K0A 1M0 Daniel Nadon , propr./owner • Tél./Tel. : 613 764-1467 • Téléc. /Fax: 613 764-3781

Fermé le lundi 20 février Closed Monday February 20th


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