Russell Curling Club hosts 29 th ladies’ invitational
All four sheets were in good use throughouttheday,withseveralclosegames. Stylesofplayrangedfromplayfultoserious. Players,manyofwhomwereattheimproved facility for the first time, commented favourablyonthecurlingrink’srenovations. RCCmembers, except two who played for outside rinks, did not take part in the invitational-only event, instead acting as hosts,anddidagreatjob.Theladiesplaying appearedtoparticularlyenjoybeingserved by members of the RCC, with the men wearing dark slacks, white shirts and coloured bowties, adding to the enjoyable atmosphere.
RUSSELL | The Russell Curling Club hosted their annual ladies invitational bonspiel for the 29 th year in a row, on Saturday, February 11, at the club’s new facilitiesonConcessionSt. TheGlenLoucksTrophywasawardedto TeamSusanMcIntoshfromtheMorrisburg Curling Club. Sixteen teams entered from variousclubsinthearea,includingPrescott, Navan,CarletonHeights,Maxville,theRoyal Canadian Navy, the RCMP and the Ottawa RA.
Nous désirons également souligner la participation de ADESA, la Com- pagnie d’Édition André Paquette Inc., et McMillan ainsi que remercier le Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario, le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien, Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario et Upper Canada District School Board pour avoir organ- isé diverses collectes de fonds. Un merci spécial à mesdames Francine C. Chayer, Leeça Desforges et Karine Chartrand ainsi qu’à l’équipe de l’École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet pour l’organisation du 13 e brunch traditionnel de Noël. Nous tenons aussi à souligner la contribution généreuse de la Banque Scotia de Rockland à cet événement.
WinnersoftheRussellCurlingClub’sLadiesInvitationalbonspielheldinRussell on Saturday, February 11 were Team Susan McIntosh of Morrisburg. They are shown here with the Glen Loucks Trophy. submitted photo
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