King's Business - 1914-05

At Home and Abroad

A n honored Chinese missionary, Rev. A. Somerby, has been appointed tutor of Yuan Shi Kai’s sons. F ifty Christian Persians have organized a church with a Persian pastor in San Francisco. The pastor is a graduate of Shedd College, Urumia. A K orean says that “If you were to take a club and try to drive out the believers now left in the Korean church you could not do it.” Clubs keep a good many out of the Church in this country. S h a ll à constitutional amendment pro­ hibit the manufacture and sale, for drinking purposes, of intoxicating liquors? Thou­ sands of advocates assembled in Washing­ ton a few weeks ago to urge such an amendment. T wo - tongued (“diglot”) Testaments are issued by the Bible Society. Twenty-nine (immigrant) nationalities may so read their Testaments in their native tongue and at the same time learn our English from the same page. K abaka , king of Uganda, while in Lon­ don, laid the cornerstone of the new build­ ing of the C hurch M issionary Society. Uganda is a Christian country with a Chris­ tian ruler, and one of the stars in the crown of African missions. T h e Y. W. C. A. is to have a building at the Panama Exposition in 1915. This will serve the thousand girls employed on the grounds and the thousands of girl vis­ itors from over the country. It will be an effective demonstration of Y. W. C. A. methods. D a n C rawford -told a London audience that the people in the jungle of Africa have a tremendous belief in the immortality of the soul. “These people tell you that the dead do not really die, the body to them is the cottage of the soul. You say, 'He

has departed.’ They say, ‘He has arrived.’” T h e mayor of Tokio, visiting in this country, wondered at the many-storied buildings in New York, but said that he was more “impressed by the Sunday school work as he saw it.” And why not, since the one makes an infinitely nearer approach to the heavens than the other? O ut of about 13,000 eager to hear Billy Sunday in New York City nearly 10,000 were unable to gain an entrance to Carne­ gie Hall, in which the audience assembled. Carnegie himself was crowded out; and “Billy” came near being unable to get in and hear the “Baseball evangelist.” A ccording to the current Church census 2 out of 5 of our population are members. Deducting young children, half the older and adults are church members. This sug­ gests the question, W h a t h in d of a C hurch M ust o u r C hurch be, “ S uffer the little children to come unto Me”—80,000 Mohamedan children barred from the Saviour by Moslem superstition, bigotry and the vicious moral influences of the harem, constitute the appeal of the World’s Sunday-school Association to Christian stewardship for founding a spe­ cial Sunday school work in Islam. A t a convention of Gospel Team work­ ers of Northern Texas and Northwestern Oklahoma, 250 men, representing 21 Gos­ pel teams, were present. Each of these had been organized from a single team at Woodward, Oklahoma. This movement is Spreading with great rapidity over the Southwest, and laymen are becoming very proficient, in leading Gospel meetings. P astor D in g L i M ei , who is the leading evangelist of China, of whom Mr. Locke told us, and who has had a great spiritual If it’s b u ilt of th e bulk Of th e people w e see?

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