King's Business - 1914-05

Bible Institute of Los Angeles

T ruth for Y ou . An order for a con­ signment of our booklet, “T ru th F or Y ou ," which hits a good many nails on the head with the mighty Ham­ mer (Jer. 23:29J, contains a strong com­ mendation, viz., “I am distributing about a thousand tracts and booklets and consider ‘T ru th for Y ou ’ the cream of them all.” M r . P eters , one of our workers, has tabulated for us the following list of people in our city, to whom the Gospel can be given by tract distribution : S p an ish , P o rtu g u ese, F ren ch , Italian , S la­ vonian, Slavic, Slovak, Slovenian, Servian, R ussian, Polish, B ohem ian, R oum anian, P e r­ sian, SlaViansk, H ebrew , R u th en ian , L ettish , H u n g arian , C roatian, A rm enian, T urkish, B ulgarian, A rm en o -T u rk ish , A rabic, Syriac, P an jab i (H indu), Sw edish, N orw egian, D an ­ ish, G reek, G erm an, Icelandic, Jap an ese, Chinese, K orean, W elsh, N avajo, Chippew a, M uskokee, T agalog (P hilippine), Pam ayan (P h il.), V isay an (P h il.), Y iddish, D utch (N eth erlan d s), Flem ish, an d F innish. T h e following sentence, from Lindsay, California, is taken from an eulogy of the late Thomas Hannay, Jr., too long to print. It/, expresses the feelings of hundreds: “Many of us can testify that we were never so near the dear Lord Jesus, as when Tom Hannay, through the power of God in his life* expounded the message of salvation to us.” “He is not dead, but sleepeth.” “He still lives in power in hundreds of lives in this great Golden State, who shall be spurred on to effort and service in the Master’s kingdom.” T hose were blessed days at the Bible In­ stitute and have been a help to me ever since. The parable about the barren fig was my lesson to the Christian women at the beginning of the year, and the verse, “Let it stand another year" etc., was a verse they could understand and they have taken the lesson' into their hearts and are trying hard that the Lord may not find thefti with only leaves, but that He will see fruit. It is blessed to tell the beautiful gospel to these hungry people and they take it and believe it so simply.

We are now again at the close of our school vacation, school begins day after to­ morrow, and they will be strenuous days and months but also months of great op­ portunities. During the two, months’ vaca­ tion I have been away on three two-week trips in different directions, visiting the people in their towns, and the Lord gave a great blessing, the Word of God has power in Africa, but the devil also is strong. We desire your prayers, we need them.— Christine Sudermann, MacLean Station, West Africa. Miss Sudermann is serving under the F. M. board of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. D ear F riends : I thank you more than I can express for your thought of me, your comforting mes­ sage and, most of all, your prayers. I be­ lieve that God has answered your prayers for me in an especial way, for Psalm 27:5-6 is what He has done. Tom’s last day of health was as every day since he was born again, one of testi­ mony. He gave the last message to the Missionary Conference from' Isaiah 6, “I have seen the Lord,” and his closing sen­ tence was, “I want to leave you face to face with Jesus.” And now he has gone on to eternal joy and higher service with the Lord he loved and lived for here below. His con­ stant prayer was that our great California would give hundreds of her best young peo­ ple to the needy places. And we are pray­ ing now that when the Call comes: “Who shall I send and who will go for us,” the best that California has will answer: “Here am I, send me.” Tom was here only three months, but God glorified His Name through him. And I know that He can and will turn what seems like only a grave and defeat into a wonderful victory for Himself, if we let Him have His way with us. Yours sincerely, F rances S. H a n n a y . K ija b e , B. E. A., Feb. IS, 1914.

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