TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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Claude F. Moffitt
Dorothy G. Kennedy
Dorothy T. King
E. Harlan Fischer
Ch r i s t i an Endeavor
OCTOBER 1, 1944' WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A MINISTER 2 C orinthians 4:1, 2 ; 1 T imothy 3:1-7 By Harlan E. Fischer I am writing this article aboard a transport en route to the South Paci fic. On board are a number of Marines. These men will soon be spilling their young blood on beachheads p.nd ter rain new to them. It takes the same qualities to be a minister to these fel lows as it does to serve Christ, in the homeland. Let us find out what they are. For Those Who Have Topics I. A SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST. First of all, we must have Christ, and He must have us. This means that we know Him as Saviour, Lord, and Master. We must have had a vital ex perience With Christ in our own lives. If we do not know Him, wq have noth ing but theory and idle words for those around us. On a previous trip, our ship went t h r o u g h a hurricane. Every man aboard was scared. Someone said, “They were all ready to become Chris tians,” When such a time comes, we must have Christ to offer them. This requires a spiritual preparation. II. ' A MENTAL ALERTNESS. The minister must be intellectually alert.--He is in the greatest work in the- world, therefore he should have the: best preparation possible. Men in the service love to “shoot the breeze.” Oftentimes the discussion will be over
Mr. Fischer (Biola ’26) is a Chaplain in the U. S. Marine Corps. Before his entrance into the service, he served as president of the Long Island Christian Youth Center, teacher in the Royal Ambassador Boys’ Camp, and president of the Long Island Inter-church Athletic Association, in addition to being a pastor in Long Island, N. Y. Mr. Moffitt (Biola ’37) is pastor of the Hoover Street- Baptist Church, Los Angeles, Calif., which has been in- strumentai in closing one liquor store and one night club. The latter has been leased and turned into a young people’s fellowship club. Here young people receive fellowship, recreation, and spiritual inspiration.
Mrs. Kennedy (Biola ’35) is .working with her husband at the Good News Center in Glendale, Calif., which is a free youth center where the various needs of young people are met. She also serves on the Good News Hour, a Sunday radio program over station KFWB.
Mrs. King (Biola ’19) has worked with young people in Chile, So. America, in the United States in teacher- training groups, and in jail work. She is now serving under the auspices of the radio station, “Voice of the Andes” of which her husband is'Regional Coordinator in
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Los Angeles.
October 29,—DUDLEY L. GIROD
Mr. Girod (B. Th. ’38 at Biola) is pastor of the Shoredale Chapel, Los Angeles, Calif. For seven years, he has served on the faculty of the Sunrise Hills Conference for young people.
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