September, 1944
KB 311,
o f people gathered to’ hear Him speak. He t a u g h t them many imp o r t a n t lessons, and one of t h e loveliest was about prayer. LESSON STORY: As .He talked, prob ably Jesus was sit ting or standing a little higher t h a n
Lord to His disciples (5:1, 2). Only those who have the nature of God within them have the proper basis for keeping the golden rule, namely'love for God and for one another. 3. "The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master" (Lk. 6:40). This is the tragedy of false teachers. They can never lead their disciples beyond their own error and delusion. We need but look at the followers of the vari ous cults abroad in the land today to see this demonstrated. 4. “ For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit" (v. 43). Is it pos sible, therefore, for truly born-again folks not to bear spiritual fruit? The statement in the verse above implies a negative answer to this question. Some will bear more fruit than others. There may be a difference in quality and brilliance. But the teaching of our Lord is that those who have the divine nature within them will not go on pro ducing evil fruit. There will be some of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22,23). Golden Text Illustration' J oh ? j 8:32 A student went to the room of a college friend to speak with him on personal religion. His courage failed and the conversation drifted naturally to athletics, and current topics, but it was evident that the visitor’s heart was not in the talk. “Harry, what’s the matter with you? You don’t Seem to be yourself. What’s on your mind?” asked the friend. “Well, Fred, to tell you the truth, you’re on my mind. I came over here to have a straight talk with you and all my sand gave out,” replied Harry. “You came over to talk with me about being a Christian, didn’t you, and IVe been wondering since the beginning of the term why you didn’t Say some thing about jt before,” said Fred. After an half-hour’s conversation, the two boys knelt side by side and promised God they would walk the Christian life together. Two things were accom plished. The a n g e l s rejoiced over Fred’s surrender, and Harry experi enced a quickening of his own spiri tual nature such as he had not known before. Fred stands for scores of men who only need a warmhearted friend to bring them into the freedom that is in Christ Jesus.—Adapted from, A Modern Cyclopedia of Illustrations, by Hallock. When We Talk to the Father ■M a t t h e w 7:7-12 MEMORY VERSE: “Mine h o u s e shall be called a house of prayer for all people” (Isa. 56:7). AIM: To help the children to pray. APPROACH: When Jesus was here on earth, at one time a large company
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the people around Him, so He could look into their faces. He saw fathers and mothers there, and because He was the Son of'God, He could look right into their hearts; He knew which people loved their children dearly. He was speaking just like a loving father when He said something like this: “You mothers and fathers,' will you answer a question for me? When your children need anything, do you want them to ask you for it? Of course you do! You do not want them to be afraid to come to you with anything. And the heavenly Father wants His children to come to Him just as freely as that.” The people understood that that kind of asking is called prayer. Jésus went on speaking, making the lesson about p r a y e r even clearer, mothers and fathers,” ,Hè said in words like these, “I know that you would never want to give anything to your children that would hurt them. If your boys and girls were hungry and asked for food, you would not angrily give them a stone or a snake instead.” “No,” the people probably w e r e thinking, “we would give them a nice lunch — much more than the bit of bread and fish they had -, asked to have.” J e s u s showed that the heavenly Father always gives to His children much better things than they ask for. (Read aloud v. 11j That is why .we talk to Him lovingly in prayer every-, day. That is why we want other people ' to love Him and to talk t6‘ Him., For prayer helps everyone. OBJECTS: Four needles and a mag net. (Two of the needles should be smaller than the others. Allow them to contact the magnet for several hours until they are magnetized.) L E S S O N : How are these two needles like people? “They have eyes.” Yes, they have' eyes, but they can not see. You will notice that they are attracted to each other. Where one goes the other goes. [Make the large one pull the small one.] Remember that they have eyes but cannot see. They remind me of the words of the Lord Jesus, “Can the blind lead the Object Lesson L e a d in g t h e B l in d
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