September, 1944
KB 313
spiritual in nature, hence Christians are tempted to materialism, which is independence of the Word.” III. T h e P o w e r for t h e M o tive ( J o h n 6:35) While the written Word is of para mount value, it is so only because it embodies the living Word. The person who merely formally professes faith in Christ will feed on the dry leaves of men’s ideas; the backslider may content himself with the husks of Christian profession; but the healthy Christian requires and enjoys Christ Himself, the Bread of Life. IV . . , T h e E x h o r t a t io n to t h e M o tive (R om . 12:1, 2)> Knowledge of the mercies of God should lead to a definite, voluntary, continuous, and reasonable dedication of the whole person as a sacrifice unto Him. This surrender will first be negative in its nature, issuing in nonconformity to this world. The age in which we live is evil (cf. Gal. 1:4); therefore'its conduct is folly, its end destruction, and its spirit selfishness. The injunc tion is: “Be not conformed” to that. Furthermore, the surrender will be positive, “ be ye transformed” by “re newing,” or the application of and obedience to the Word of God. By such surrender as this, the will of God—instead of being something to dread—will be shown to be good and acceptable and perfect in all one’s ex perience. The degree of holiness in one’s life will be the degree to which the will of God is accepted as the ob ject of rejoicing. V. T h e O u t w a r d E x h ib it io n o f t h e M o tiv e ( R o m . 13:12-14) The “night” is the present scene through which we pass; the “day” is the future life of light and glory. Be cause the latter is always “at hand," there is continuous need to “cast off” the works fitted only for the “night,” by putting on the armor of light that guards from the darkness of the world. To walk “honestly” means “becom ingly” (R.V.), in good form, or as be fits citizens of another world. The believer is enjoined to “put... on the Lord Jesus Christ” as a gar ment, making no provision to fulfill the desires of the flesh. When one is thus covered by Christ’s loveliness, he unconsciously displays the hidden mo tive of Christian living—a testimony to both sinner and saint. Points and Problems - 1. ”1will both lay me down in peace, and sleep; for thou, Lord, only makest
me dwell in safety" (Psa. 4:8). The fourth Psalm has often been called the “Evening Psalm” because of this verse. It is well named for those who trust in the Lord (v. 5) are privileged to come to the end of each day in peace, rest, and safety. It is just as true that they come to the close of life's day with "nothing between the soul and the Saviour.” Only the Christ-con trolled life can have such’ confidence. What a contrast between the coming home of the individual in this text and that of many a man whose life is con trolled by strong drink and other in dulgences of the flesh! 2. "Jesus answered him, saying. It is written. That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (Lk. 4*4). The suggestion of Satan had been that all that humanity needs is the physical and its corre sponding supply. Satan is still poison ing the minds of men With this same false conception. As a result, millions live only for the flesh. Jesus combats this false philosophy by showing that those who live only for the flesh, do not really live at all. True life con sists in feeding upon the Word of God. 3. "He that cometh to me shall never hunger" (Jphn 6:35). Man’s free will is suggested in these words. Christ is the answer to man’s every need. He is bread for the soul. But man must “come” to Him. Man must exercise his will. The promise to those who ex ercise their free will in favor of Christ is that they shall never hunger. They shall be satisfied. How different it is with those who choose to live for the flesh! They are never satisfied in this life, nor in the wofld to come. 4. "I beseech you therefore, breth ren . . . that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice'" (Rom. 12:1). There are two reasons why Christians should be Willing to do this: (1) Christ has bought us. We are His, our bodies as well as. our souls and spirits. (2) Only priests could make sacrifices, and we are priests. We should avail ourselves of our privilege. This verse is the solu tion to the temperance problem. Golden Text Illustration . . C o lossia n s 3:1 Wilfred T. Grenfell, medical mission ary to Labrador, tells this story. “One night a woman was brought into the hospital (in London, with Which Dr. Grenfell was associated as a young man) on a stretcher, dying of terrible burns. The history showed that her husband Jiad come home drunk and had thrown the paraffin lamp over her. The police, the husband, and the magistrate w e r e immediately sum moned. “I can still see that miserable crea ture standing at the foot of the bed between the policemen, watching every movement of his dying wife...The
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