King's Business - 1944-09

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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truth, quoting words from the Bible. He said them quickly, and without any mistakes. He did not need to say any­ thing else. When Jesus did that, Satan had to keep still, and after a while “he departed from him” (v. 13). He always will leave when he hears God’s Word. 6 -e ■a // • j tt • rt

For Men in and Others tool

magistrate kept imploring her to tell the truth, as he took down her dying statement. At last her eyes were raised to the face of the man, the father of her children, the m a n who was now her murderer. The silence, at her bedside, as we waited for, her reply, could be felt. As her?4yes fell upon the familiar features, I can only suppose she saw him as once he had been, before drink claimed him as another victim; for a new light came into them, and she passed out with a lie on her lips to save him. ‘It was an accident,’ was the last thing she said. “How I loathed the man !' I longed to tell him where he stood; yet it was the intoxicants that did it.” —Pearls fof Preachers. The Verses I Learn L u k e 4:1-13 MEMORY VERSE: “I have remem­ bered thy name, O Lord — and have kept thy law” (Psa. 119:55). AIM: To s h o w that memorized verses are useful. APPROACH: If you know the right answer to a question, you can say it quickly, in a few words and that People may ask you questions about the Lord Jesus, and in the Word of God there are all the answers any­ body will ever need. It pays to know these answers by heart. They are our Bible verses, and the Lord Jesus knew them perfectly. LESSON STORY: When Jesus was here on earth, He had an enemy called Satan, or the devil. He is our enemy, too. Right after Jesus was baptized, and when He was ready to start on His special work of helping people and showing them how to be saved, Satan came to Him to test Him. They were together, with no person around, for forty long days, in a dry, lonely place. There was nothing to eat. Satan began to say teasing, bad words to Jesus like this: “Are you really the Son of God? Then why don’t You prove it? . .. If You will jump off this high cliff,-because,, I tell you to, angels will take care of You. . . Wor­ ship me, Jesus, instead of the heavenly Father, and I will make You king over all the world.” Every time Satan spoke, he used wicked, lying words! He never tells the truth (John 8:44). But every time Jesus answered him, He spoke the 5-DIYISIOr\ makes y o u happy. But if you do not k n o w the answer, sometimes you may try to m a k e the teacher think you do by talking a long time about the question.' This never does a n y good.

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Object Lesson C l o u d y or C le a r

OBJECTS: Four eggs, two narrow jelly glasses, a small bottle of dena­ tured alcohol, and a tin cover to fit one of the glasses. ( Cover the fronts of the glasses with gray paper, leav­ ing a hole in each the shape of the profile of a person’s face and head. Put a red cross on the tin lid.) LESSON: I am going to break these eggs and put two of the whites in each glass. [The profiles should be near enough to the bottom covered by the whites.] These glasses remind me of two boys I know. They both had clear heads. In other words, their brains were active. One of these glasses reminds me of a boy who accepted Christ as His Saviour. I will put this lid, with the red cross, on this glass, _to remind us that he was a Christian. The other boy refused to accept Christ as Saviour. It was not long until this boy had an offer which comes to nearly ev^ry boy and girl— the offer to drink whisky. Because this boy had not accepted Christ as his Saviour, it was easy for him to yield to temptation. I want to put a few drops of this alcohol in the glass and show you what' happened to him. You may not be able to see much change with the first drop or two, but I can, as I look straight down into the glass. As I put more Of the alcohol into the glass, you can see that a change is taking place. This boy’s head is be­ coming cloudy. His brains are being affected. Look, the whites of the eggs appear as if they were cooked. Whisky gradually does to a person’s brains what this alcohol has done to the whites of these eggs. The other glass does not accept the alcohol, as it is protected by .the lid. The only safe way to keep the head clear is to accept Christ as Saviour. He will enable you to resist every temptation.

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THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL Dr. Willard M. Aldrich, Editor

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Vancouver, Wash.

Phone VAndike 9483 ERICK PETERSON FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING 130 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

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