King's Business - 1944-09

September, 1944

KB 317

P a r t n e r s V ic t o r y

opened my Bible and began to study. Faith has been growing ever since.” —Dwight L. Moody. lO. The Divine Anchor “When ye pray, believe” (Mk. 11:24). “Hold on, my heart, in thy believing— The steadfast only wins the crown; He who, when stormy winds are heaving, Parts with his anchor, shall go down; But he who Jesus holds through all, Shall stand though heaven and earth shall fall.” —Heart to Heart Talk. 11. In the Way of Blessing “The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him” (Psa. 145:18, 19). Zacchaeus, the seeking sinner, put himself' in the way of blessing. For him it was up a tree. It was the heart desire of Zacchaeus which drew the attention of Jesus up­ ward. “Make haste and come down,” the Saviour commanded. How utterly willing Jesus is to receive a penitent sinner! Joy thrilled Zacchaeus’ heart as he touched the ground, a forgiven sinner. » Are you in the way whence comes the blessing?. —The Sunday School Worker. 12. Energized by the Spirit “God hath . . . given us the spirit . . . of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7). Power is the first characteristic of the man filled V ith the Holy Ghost. If my will be like a battery well charged with power, then all my con­ duct will be characterized by inten­ sity and precision. The life of Jesus thrills with positive power. It is strong, decided, and bold, moving along with irresistible force, neither frightened by the stones of the world, nor allured by its crowns. We can have oUr wills recharged from the super-abundant energy of the strong Son of God. —J. H. Jowett. 13. Victory in the Promises “Blessed be the Lord . . . according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word” (1 Ki. 8:56). The only attitude we should hold toward Satan is that of resisting him. Many people have trouble with him because they listen to him, and believe him. They find themselves in confu­ sion, darkness of soul, and -spiritual shipwreck. It is our duty to believe God’s Word. We should rest securely in the boat of God’s immutable promises, and we shall get safely to the heavenly port. —Christian Triumph.

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