King's Business - 1944-09

KB 291

September, 1944

Current Business LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief

J1SUS, MY LORD By Martha Snell Nicholson Whom do I hunger for? Thee, Living Word I Feed Thou my famished soul, Jesus, my Lord. Who is my cleansing Fount? From sin, abhorred. Who else can wash me, save Jesus, my Lord? Whom am I waiting for? Thy footfall, heard. Raptures my yearning soul, Jesus, my Lord. Soaring’ on eager wing Past planets toward Mansions Thy hands have reared, Jesus, my Lord! Dazzled by heaven's gate . . . His voice, adored: "This is thy home. My child." Jesus, my Lord!

day; for if you had missed that day, I might have missed this.’ ” The minister’s letter was marked with tears, and at the end of it was written, “God helping me, I never will hesitate again.” Yes, the difficulties in thé way of winning a soul may be stupendous, but let us keep our appointments with the Lord at the trysting place, rely on His guidance, and trust Him to cut in sunder the bars of iron. Bible Mastery Campaign “I am going to have a more Bible- centered program than ever before. I want young, people to know God through an understanding of the Scrip­ tures.” According to Tim«' magazine, this was one of the resolutions of an army chaplain on returning to his Pennsyl­ vania pastorate. From the perspective of his army experience, he saw that the great need of church people was a study of the Bible, not first of all books about the Bible, but the Book itself. The great preacher, Joseph Park­ er, once said: “The first thing to do with the Bible is to read it; the sec­ ond thing to do is to read it; then the third thing to do is to read it.” Many an individual lacks faith in the Word of God simply because he does not know what it says. The Bible Mastery plan has been launched in order to promote the daily reading of a selected portion each month. For example, the book for Oc­ tober is 1 Timothy: one that fits pres­ ent-day conditions, as if written ex­ pressly for our times. Let the pastor read it, and preach from it. Let the people read it: in homes, in classes, in neighborly groups. All will be re­ warded with a new freshness of under­ standing and depth of blessing. For further information about the Bible Mastery campaign, send a stamped addressed envelope to C. J. Boppell, 2666 37th Street, S.W„ Seattle 6, Wash. Turning toward Biola As registration days at the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles draw near— September 5 and 6—hundreds of young people are turning toward this school. Already more than 600 have signified a desire to enroll. There is indication that the largest enrollment in the his­ tory of the institution is in prospect. Viewpoints Have Changed A quarter of a century ago, we heard a great deal about “making the world safe for democracy,” about fighting a

In the Strength of the Lord Spiritual warfare is as real as phys­ ical combat. A young sergeant, a Christian of only a few months, found this to be true when he faced the nec­ essity of witnessing for Christ to uh- saved loved ones. He wrote: On my coming furlough, God is. sending me to my home and to my unsaved family — although you have no idea, how much I would rather enjoy a time of fel­ lowship and worship and feeding on the Word at Biola. But my loved ones are unsaved, and they have not known me, ex­ cept through my letters, since I came to know the-Lord as my per­ sonal Saviour and Lord. I am sorry to say that they have not* received my letters favorably. I - must witness for Christ to them, and I will need much grace, wis­ dom, and understanding in order to know when to speak and when to be quiet. I will go “in the strength of the Lord,” spending a day or so alone with Him before reaching my home. I don’t think anything surpasses the privilege of being alone with Christ. Nothing less than complete victory through Christ will be God’s gift to any man who thus goes forth “in the strength of the Lord.” Incidentally, the writer of this letter is one who receives THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS regularly, and appreciates it. The contributions of friends (special rate: $1 for one year) make possible these gifts to servicemen. On Soul-Winning The best time to win souls is NOW. J. Wilbur Chapman telis of walking with a minister who asked him, “What would you do if' you were impressed to speak to a man about his soul?” “Speak to him.” '. “But this man has not been in church for thirteen years.” “Nevertheless,” said Dr. Chapman, “ speak to him.” The minister called on this man, who opened the door himself, and said, “Doctor, I am glad to see you. I have been in all day thinking you might come.” In a few minutes this gentle­ man was led to Christ. A year later, the man died, quite suddenly, and Dr. Chapman received a letter from his minister-friend, who said: “ I was with him when he died. He sent for me; and when I arrived, he said: ‘Thank you for coming that

“war that would end war.” Of course, no .one who knew his’ Bible expected a strifeless world before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign. But numbers of less well-informed people did look forward to a utopia following World War I. Noy one hears about the “next war,” and about conditions that may be expected to obtain when another cataclysm occurs. For example, in a recent issue of Life magazine, an ar­ ticle on London and the Second Blitz pointed out that “ the robot bomb had given the long-enduring people of England the worst month they have had since the 1940 blitz. They were coming over at the rate of 100 a day, sometimes a score at one time . . . over 3,000 of them, killing about one person per bomb, of whom a little It [the robot bomb] certainly: . established itself, with possible variations, as a weapon to be reckoned with in warfare from now on. It is not a pleasant prospect that future generations may face even more diabolical means of human de­ struction than have been devised as yet. But it is gratifying to know that people are beginning to give credence to Christ’s words—at least to His utterance about the continuance of “wars and rumors of wars” until the coming of the Prince of Peace. Would that they accepted also His other declarations of the means of salva­ tion and of personal peace “through the blood of the everlasting covenant” ! over half were 'women.” The article concluded:

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