ORO2U ATV Catalogue - Section C - Race Kits and Accessories


Quick Straps

24-555 Working


Quick Strap Finally a solution to those goggle hang-ups! How many times have you wishes you could quickly remove and replace your goggles with one hand. Now with quick strap you can! Next time you're waiting on the starting line or at a bottleneck, trying to start your bike or just stopping for a break, simply release the quick strap tab and let your goggles hand by the side of the helmet, where they're safe from damage and wont fog up. When you're ready to ride, just grasp the quick strap tab with left hand, pull goggles over eyes and press tab to Velcro patch on helmet.

24-555 Working

Available in 4 colours; Black, Blue, Red and White

Quick Strap


Quick Strap Re-mounting Kit Quick strap re-mounting kit. For refitting quick straps on a new helmet.

Quick Strap Re-mounting Kit - Black 24-556



Anti-Fog Spray

PJ1 Fog Blocker • Formulated to prevent fogging under the most extreme environments • Increases safety through increased visibility • Ideal of use on; Goggles, Face shields, Glasses, Mirrors etc.

PJ1 Fog Blocker, 115ml


Anti Fog / Cleaner Spray Don’t get all hot and bothered when you steam up. Just a spray of this anti-fog will put that all behind you, and you will see clearly again. Helps remove rain giving clearer vision. • Anti-fog • Visor Cleaner • Quick and simple to use

Bob Heath Anti Fog Spray, 50ml




*Please visit our website for current prices C54


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