ORO2U ATV Catalogue - Section F - Brakes and Drive

ORO2U ATV Catalogue - ATV Section F - Brakes and Drive Section. Brake pads, brake hoses, discs, brake discs, security bolts, tubes, tyres, rims, spokes, chains, sprockets, chain rollers, chain guides.

Section F


A Air Bottle Kit.................................................... F233 Alloy Beadlock Rims - SS............................... F178 Alloy Rims - SS............................................... F178 Alloy Valve Caps............................................. F234 Alloy Wheels................................................... F172 - F178 Alloy Wheels - Bronco.................................... F172 - F173 Alloy Wheels - Quad Sport............................. F178 Alloy Wheels - STI.......................................... F174 - F177 Aluminium Tyre Valve Stems - K&L................ F233 ATV Tubes....................................................... F228 B Band Crimping Tools....................................... F138 Banjo Bolt Kit - FIR.......................................... F5 Banjo Bolts...................................................... F4 Beadlock Bolt Kits - FIR.................................. F178 Bleed Nipples FIR........................................... F5 Bleed Nipples Titanium.................................... F4 Braided Hose Stainless Steel.......................... F3 Brake Adjust Wing Nuts.................................. F35 Brake Arm Joints............................................. F35 Brake Caliper Pins - FIR.................................. F35 Brake Caliper Piston Removal Tools............... F29 Brake Caliper Rebuild Kits - Allballs................ F18 - F25 Brake Caliper Rebuild Kits - Bronco................ F16 - F17 Brake Caliper Rebuild Kits - Psychic / K&L..... F15 Brake Calipers................................................. F26 - F28 Brake Disc Bolts.............................................. F34 Brake Discs.................................................... F40 - F45 Brake Drum Seals - Allballs............................ F30 - F31 Brake Hose DIY Kit - FIR................................ F2 Brake Hose DIY Kit - Venhill........................... F2 Brake Hose Fittings......................................... F1 Brake Hoses.................................................... F1 Brake Line Clamps - FIR................................. F6 Brake Pad Pins - Allballs................................. F36 - F39 Brake Pads & Shoes....................................... F46 - F60 Brake Pins...................................................... F35 Brake Pins Titanium - FIR............................... F35 Brake Rod Springs.......................................... F35 Brake Shoe Clips............................................. F35 Brake Spread & Resetting Tool....................... F29 Brake Springs Honda ..................................... F35 C Chain / Sprocket Jammer................................. F245 Chain Accessories........................................... F255 Chain Adjusters............................................... F253 - F254 Chain Alignment Tool...................................... F245 Chain Guide Front.......................................... F254 Chain Pads..................................................... F255 Chain Rollers - Allballs.................................... F256 Chain Slack Setting Tool................................. F245 Chain Spring Link............................................ F245 Chain Tensioner Kit......................................... F255 Chain Tensioner w/ Sprocket........................... F255 Chain Tools...................................................... F245 Chain Upper Slider Swingarm Buffer............... F255 Chains............................................................. F237 - F244 Chains - DID................................................... F240 - F243 Chains - JT...................................................... F239 Chains - Prox.................................................. F244 Chains - Renthal............................................. F244 Chains - THC.................................................. F237 Chains - Unibear.............................................. F238 Chains - WRP.................................................. F238 Clutch Press Tool............................................ F272 Clutch Press Tool............................................ F272 Co2 Cartridges................................................ F233 Copper Washer Selection Pack - FIR............. F5 Copper Washers ............................................ F5 Cushioned Tube Hose Clamps....................... F6 CV Axle Boot Kits - Allballs............................. F101 - F120

CV Axle Boot Kits - Bronco............................. F121 - F137 CV Axles ........................................................ F96 - F98 CV Axles - Allballs........................................... F81 - F95 CV Boot Installation Tool................................. F139 CV Boot Repair Kit.......................................... F139 D Differential Kit Replacement Seals.................. F163 Differential Kits................................................ F140 - F150 Differential Kits - Allballs.................................. F140 - F149 Differential Seal Kits - Allballs.......................... F153 - F159 Differential Seal Kits - Bronco......................... F160 Differential Kits - Bronco................................. F150 Drive Belt Removal Tool.................................. F272 Drive Belts....................................................... F257 - F271 Drive Belts - Dayco......................................... F257 - F269 Drive Belts - JT................................................ F270 - F271 Drive Shaft Support Bearings - Allballs........... F151 - F152 Drive Shaft Support Bearings - Bronco............ F152 Driveshafts...................................................... F96 - F98 Driveshafts - Allballs........................................ F81 - F95 Drum Brake Pin Kit Honda.............................. F35 Drum Brake Rod Parts.................................... F35 E EZ Trail Boot Kit - Allballs................................ F139 EZ Trail Boot Kit XL - Allballs........................... F139 F Foot Pump...................................................... F232 Front Brake Master Cylinder Assembly - Uni.. F7 Front Drum Brake Inspection Plug.................. F31 Front Gearcase Differential Repair Kits........... F164 G Gasgacinch..................................................... F229 H Hand Pump..................................................... F232 Heat Shrink Hose Protection........................... F3 Heatshrink Hose Protection - FIR......... F3 Heatshrink Tubing................................. F3 3 Hose Olives.................................................. F4 Hose Ends Socket Nuts........................ F4 Hub Bolts.............................................. F188 Hub Nuts............................................... F168 Hydraulic Brake Piston Opener Tool..... F29 L Lug Nuts............................................... F187 - F188 M Male Hose End Fittings........................ F4 Master Cylinder Rebuild Kits - Allballs.. F10 - F13 Master Cylinder Rebuild Kits - Psychic. F8 - F9 Master Cylinder Reservoir Diaphragms F14 Mini Air Compressor............................. F233 Mini ATV Tubes..................................... F228 N Nylon P-Clips........................................ F6 Nylon Tube Hose Protection................. F3 O Outboard CV Joint Kits.......................... F99 - F100 P Pinion Orings........................................ F165 Pro Fill Air Chuck - Motion Pro............. F233 Puncture Repair Kits............................. F230 R Rear Axles............................................ F166 - F168 Rear Brake Cover Seal......................... F31 Rear Brake Fluid Resevoir.................... F7 Rear Brake Housing Seal..................... F31 Rear Brake Master Cylinder - Magura.. F7 Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assembly. F7 Rear Differential Oil Filler Cap............... F164

Rear Hub Cover Seal........................... F31 Rear Swingarm O-Rings...................... F165 Rear Wheel Hubs................................. F169 - F171 Rim Tapes............................................. F236 Rubber Bleed Nipple caps.................... F5 Rubber Lines Metal P-Clips.................. F6 S Side Cutters (for boot bands)................ F137 Snap Ring Pliers................................... F137 Sprague Carrier - Bronco...................... F160a - F162 Spring link Pliers................................... F245 Sprocket Bolt Nut Set........................... F251 Sprocket Bolt Sets................................ F250 - F251 Sprocket Guards................................... F252 Sprockets.............................................. F246 - F249 Steel Wheels - ITP................................ F179 - F181 Strap Clamp.......................................... F138 T T Connector.......................................... F4 Trailer Wheels ...................................... F213 Tubeless Tyre Repair Strings - FIR...... F236 Tubeless Valves ................................... F234 Tubeless Valves.................................... F236 Twin Banjo Bolts................................... F4 Tyre Air Valve Seals.............................. F234 Tyre Blow Up & Repair Kit.................... F230 Tyre Inflaters......................................... F232 Tyre Repair Kit w/ Co2.......................... F231 Tyre Repair Kits.................................... F230 - F231 Tyre Repair Mushroom Patches........... F236 Tyre Sealants........................................ F229 Tyre Servicing Kit.................................. F230 Tyre Valve Assortment Kit..................... F235 Tyre Valve Repair Kit............................ F235 Tyre Valve Repair Tool - FIR................. F235 Tyre Valve Types.................................. F228 Tyres..................................................... F214 - F227 Tyres - Black Diamond......................... F220 Tyres - CST........................................... F226 Tyres - GBC.......................................... F225 - F226 Tyres - Interco (Swamp Lite)................. F225 Tyres - ITP............................................. F226 Tyres - Kenda........................................ F221, F226 Tyres - Kings......................................... F224, F227 Tyres - Maxxis....................................... F214 - F218, F227 Tyres - Maxxis Quick Find Chart........... F219 Tyres - Sun F ....................................... F222 - F223b, F227 Tyres - Vee Rubber............................... F227 U Universal Joints - Allballs...................... F69 - F80 Universal Joints - Bronco...................... F61 - F68 V Valve Accessories F234 - F235 Valve Core Remover - Motion Pro......... F233 Valve Pulling Tool - FIR......................... F235 W Wheel Cylinder Rebuild Kit................... F32 - F33 Wheel Nut Kits - Allballs........................ F203 - F212 Wheel Size Chart.................................. F182 Wheel Sizes Traditional / Metric........... F183 Wheel Spacers..................................... F184 - F186 Wheel Stud & Nut Kits - Allballs............ F189 - F202


Tel: 01597 822 666

Fax: 01597 825 224


Brake Hoses

Tag-Z Brake Hoses Tag-Z stainless steel brake lines use high quality components with a Teflon inner liner, surrounded by a braided stainless steel cover and a clear PVC coating. Due to the superior construction, the Tag-Z brake lines generate higher caliper pressure with less effort required at the lever. This gives the rider greater feel and control. Tag-Z brake lines are available for most off-road and motocross dirt bike models and are not recommended or authorised for highway use. Any pipe can be made , copying your old pipe, or even made up from a drawing of the old one. Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Husqvarna, KTM, Sherco, TM, Gas-Gas, Husaberg, Fantic, etc. Venhill Brake Hoses For over 45 years Venhill has been manufacturing control cables, hydraulic hoses and brake lines for Motorbikes, Quad Bikes, Cars, Karts and many other applications. Venhill hoses and cables are made in the UK to the highest possible standard.


Front Hose 02-016

Rear Hose 02-017



DS 650



Front Hose

Rear Hose 02-021



TRX 250R TRX 250EX TRX 250EX TRX 300EX TRX 400EX TRX 450R

1986 - 89 02-020




2002 - 08 02-231 2002 - 07 02-023 2001 - 08 02-232 2004 - 08 02-018

02-022 02-024 02-233 02-019


Front Hose

Rear Hose 02-235 02-243

Models KFX 400 KFX 700


2003 - 07 02-234 2003 - 08 02-242


Front Hose

Rear Hose 02-026



Predator 500

2002 - 06 02-025


Front Hose

Rear Hose 02-028 02-235 02-235 02-030



LT 250R Quadracer

1985 - 92 02-027 2002 - 08 02-234 2006 - 08 02-234

LT-Z 400 LTR 450

LT 500R Quadracer




Front Hose

Rear Hose 02-032 02-237 02-036 02-241 02-034 02-239 02-247



YFS 200 Blaster YFZ 350 Banshee YFM 350 Raptor YFM 350 Warrior

2003 - 06 02-031 1987 - 06 02-236 2005 - 06 02-035 1990 - 04 02-240 2004 - 08 02-033 2001 - 05 02-238 2006 - 08 02-246

YFZ 450

YFM 660R Raptor YFM 700 Raptor

*Please visit our website for current prices

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com



Brake Line Fittings

DIY Kits

Workshop DIY Hose Kit (FIR) Assemble High Performance Brake Lines In Your Own Workshop!

The Factory Image Workshop Kit has been designed to provide a complete combination of fittings to enable you to service your motorcycle. Sufficient fittings are included in the kit to service only Japanese & European Motorcycles & ATV’s. Made up of Metric fittings only. Fittings are in Zinc finishes, and the kit comes complete with 10 metres of Stainless Steel Braided Hose and 3 metres of protection tubing. Fittings come in a presentation box. All items are available individually which means that kits can be topped up any time. Kit includes: 6 x Straight Banjo’s, 6 x 200 Bend Banjo’s, 4 x 450 Bend Banjo’s, 4 x 200 Side Bend Banjo’s, 4 x M10 x 1.25mm Banjo Bolts, 4 x M10 x 1.00mm Banjo Bolts, 2 x M10 x 1.00mm Male Concave Seats, 2 x M10 x 1.25mm Male Concave Seats, 2 x M10 x 1.00mm Male Convex Seats, 2 x M10 x 1.25mm Male Convex Seats, 20 x Hose Olives, 20 x Hose End Nuts and 30 x Copper Washers. FIR Workshop DIY Brake Hose Kit 02-600.FI

Venhill Powerhose Workshop DIY Hose Kit The Venhill powerhose workshop DIY hose kit. 50 assorted fittings, 10m of braided stainless steel hose, 3m of clear cover, parrot nosed cutters, tool for making ends, brake fluid and set of 4 storage boxes in their own housing. Please note: with the exception of banjo bolts, ‘Powerhose’ components are not compatible with the ‘Powerhose Plus’ system. Fittings are supplied with nuts and olives where required. Kit includes: 6 x Straight Banjo’s, 6 x 200 Bend Banjo’s, 4 x M10x1.00mm banjo bolts, 4 x M10x1.25mm banjo bolts, 4 x 3/8” UNF banjo bolts, 2 x M10x1.00mm double banjo bolt, 2 x M10x1.25mm double banjo bolt, 2 x 3/8” UNF double banjo bolts, 2 x M10x1.00mm male hose end - convex, 2 x M10x1.00mm male hose end - convex, 2 x 3/8” UNF male hose end - convex, 2 x M10x1.00mm female hose end, 2 x Male adaptor 10x1.00 X 1/8” BSP - convex, 2 x Male adaptor 10x1.25 X 1/8” BSP - convex, 2 x Male adaptor 3/8” UNF X 1/8” BSP - convex, 2 x Straight end hose swivel joint - 1/8 BSP, 2 x 450 end hose swivel joint - 1/8 BSP, 2 x 900 end hose swivel joint - 1/8 BSP, 30 x Socket nuts, 35 x Olives, 50 x Copper Washers, 1 x Cutters, 1 x Mandril for making ends, 1 x Dot 4 brake fluid and 1x Tool box. Venhill Powerhose Workshop DIY Brake Hose Kit 02-600.VH


Workshop DIY Hose Kits Workshop DIY hose kits. Available with different lengths of hose. Kits include: • 1 x Straight Reusable Banjo • 1 x 200 Reusable Banjo • 4 x Copper Washers • 1 x Length of Brake Hose 500mm Length Workshop DIY Hose Kit

02-601.0500 02-601.1000 02-601.1500

1000mm Length Workshop DIY Hose Kit 1500mm Length Workshop DIY Hose Kit

Universal Hose Kits Universal hose kits. Complete hose made ready to use. Hoses are fitted with 1x Straight Banjo and 1x 200 Banjo. Also includes 4x Copper Washers and 2x Banjo Bolts. Available in different lengths. 18” / 460mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.18 20” / 510mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.20 22” / 560mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.22 24” / 610mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.24 26” / 660mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.26 28” / 710mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.28 30” / 760mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.30 32” / 815mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.32 34” / 865mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.34 36” / 915mm Universal Hose Kit 02-040.36


*Please visit our website for current prices


Tel: 01597 822 666

Fax: 01597 825 224



Brake Line Fittings

Stainless Steel Braided Hose (With Coloured PVC Cover) Stainless steel braided brake and clutch hose with coloured pvc covering. To suit DIY / Re-useable fittings and swage crimp fittings. Top quality hose - PTFE inner / fire corrosion resistant / with all brake fluids. Sold in 5 meter roll. See colours below: Carbon Fibre Effect 02-225.CA Light Blue 02-225.EB KX Green 02-225.GN KTM Orange 02-225.OR Honda Red 02-225.RD Dark Blue 02-225.SB RM Yellow 02-225.YE

Stainless Steel Braided Hose (No PVC Cover) Stainless steel braided brake and clutch hose. To suit DIY / Re-useable fittings and swage crimp fittings. Top quality hose - PTFE inner / fire corrosion resistant / with all brake fluids. Sold in a 5 or 10 meter roll. 5 Meter Roll 02-225.05mtr 10 Meter Roll 02-225.10mtr

Nylon Tube Hose Protection Hard plastic tubing can be used over your flexible hose and attached to the fork leg or swinging arm. ID. 8mm inside bore. Available in 6 different colours: Gloss Black, Blue, Clear, Green, Red & Yellow. Nylon Tube 1mt 02-400 Clear Protection 10mt 02-230.10

Heat Shrink Tubing A tubing with 1000 uses. Simply cut to length, slide over the area to be covered, and warm with hot air gun. The tubing shrinks to give a perfect snug and neat finish. Shrinks by up to 50%. Available in Black or Red. 5mm I.D 6mm I.D 5mm x 1mt Black 44-904.BK.001 6mm x 1mt Black 44-908.BK.001 5mm x 100mt Black 44-904.BK.100 6mm x 100mt Black 44-908.BK.100 5mm x 1mt Red 44-904.RD.001 6mm x 1mt Red 44-908.RD.001 5mm x 100mt Red 44-904.RD.100 6mm x 100mt Red 44-908.RD.100 PVC Heatshrink Hose Protection PVC heat shrink tubing. Simply cut to length, slide over the area to be covered and warm with hot air gun. Sold as 10mm x 1mt lengths. Available in 7 different colours: Blue, Black, Clear, Green, Orange, Red, White & Yellow. PVC Heat Shrink 10mm x 1mt 02-401



10mm I.D

13mm I.D

10mm x 1mt Black 44-907.BK.001 10mm x 100mt Black 44-905.BK.100 13mm x 50mt Black 44-907.BK.050 10mm x 1mt Red 44-905.RD.001 13mm x 1mt Red 44-907.RD.001 10mm x 100mt Red 44-905.RD.100 13mm x 50mt Red 44-907.RD.050 44-905.BK.001 13mm x 1mt Black


FIR Heatshrink Hose Protection FIR Heat shink hose protection. Available in 2 different lengths 40mm &

20mm I.D 20mm x 1mt Black 44-906.BK.001 20mm x 50mt Black 44-906.BK.050 20mm x 1mt Red 44-906.RD.001 20mm x 50mt Red 44-906.RD.050

80mm or as a kit of both lengths with copper washers. Inside diameter 19mm, shrink size 6mm. Heat Ratio 3:1. FIR Heatshrink (40mm length)

02-402.40 02-402.80 02-402.KIT

FIR Heatshrink (80mm length)

FIR Heatshrink Kit

*Please visit our website for current prices

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com



Brake Line Fittings


20⁰ Bend 02-222

Straight 02-224



90⁰ Bend 02-220

45⁰ Bend 02-221



70⁰ Bend 02-218

Female Hose End Fittings Male hose ends for -3 hose, complete with nut and olive for self assembly. 3/8’ UNF Female Concave Seat 02-622 M10 x 1.00mm Female Concave Seat 02-623 M10 x 1.25m Female Concave Seat 02-624 3/8’ UNF Female Convex Seat 02-620 M10 x 1.00mm Female Convex Seat 02-621

Twin Banjo 02-219.P

20⁰ Side Bend 02-223

Extended Neck Banjo Fittings Stainless steel extended neck banjo fittings, come complete with nut and olive for self assembly. For use with -3 hose and 10mm banjo bolts. Straight Extended Neck Banjo 02-224 20⁰ Bend Extended Neck Banjo 02-222 20⁰ Side Bend Extended Neck Banjo 02-223 45⁰ Bend Extended Neck Banjo 02-221 70⁰ Bend Extended Neck Banjo 02-218 90⁰ Bend Extended Neck Banjo 02-220 Twin Banjo (Plated) 02-219.P

Button Allen Head Stainless Steel

Hexagon Head (BZP)

Hexagon Head Titanium

Hexagon Head Stainless Steel



Pro Banjo Bolts, Metric (FIR) Pro Banjo bolts, can be fastened onto the front and rear brake master cylinders, as well as the front and rear brake calipers to achieve that ‘works look’. Banjo bolts are available in bright zinc plated (BZP), stainless steel (SS) or titanium. These banjo bolts are CNC machined with rolled threads. *Please note BZP may come with black plated finish. Size Material Description Part No. M8 x 1.00 SS Hexagon Head. CNC 02-207.S.HEX M8 x 1.25 SS Hexagon Head. CNC 02-208.S.HEX



BZP Hexagon Head.





Button Head. CNC


Hexagon Head. CNC. With x2 copper washers 02-200.S.HEX

M10 x 1.00

Silver Plated

Male Hose End Fittings Male hose ends for -3 hose, complete with nut and olive for self assembly. 3/8' UNF Male Convex Seat 02-626 M10 x 1.00mm Male Concave Seat 02-226 M10 x 1.25mm Male Concave Seat 02-227 M10 x 1.00mm Male Convex Seat 02-228 M10 x 1.25mm Male Convex Seat 02-229 1/8 NPT Taper Male Chrome (Complete with nut & olive) 02-628

Hexagon Head, 25mm Long


Titanium Hexagon Head. CNC. With x2 copper washers 02-200.TI

BZP Hexagon Head.



Button Head. CNC


Hexagon Head. CNC. With x2 copper washers 02-201.S.HEX

M10 x 1.25

Silver Plated

Hexagon Head, 25mm Long


Titanium Hexagon Head. CNC. With x2 copper washers 02-201.TI

*Please visit our website for current prices


Tel: 01597 822 666

Fax: 01597 825 224



Brake Line Fittings

Three-way Pipe Tee Connector Hydraulic Brake oil Hose CNC Three-way Pipe Connector / Tee Coupling Fitting For modification tubing bracket Adapter T-Connector 02-2141.BLK

Hexagon Head Stainless Steel

Hexagon Head With Bleed Nipple


Twin Banjo Bolts, Metric (FIR) Twin Banjo bolts, can be fastened onto the front and rear brake master cylinders, as well as the front and rear brake calipers to achieve that ‘works look’. Twin banjo bolts are available in bright zinc plated (BZP) or stainless steel (SS). These banjo bolts are CNC machined with rolled threads. Size Material Description Part No.

T-Connector M10 3-way brake hose adaptor for Motorcycle ATV Dirt Bike. Easy and convenient to install. T-Connector M10 02-214.M10



Hexagon Head.



Hexagon Head. CNC. With x3 copper washers 02-205.S.HEX

M10 x 1.00

Hexagon Head. CNC. With x3 copper washers, bleed nipple & cap

T-Connector 600 Series Brake hose 3-Way re-usable T-fitting with a locating lug. Stainless steel construction designed for 600 series hose & fittings. These T piece fittings are designed for use with FIR 600 series -3 hose and fittings. T-Connector 02-214.S




Hexagon Head.



Hexagon Head. CNC. With x3 copper washers 02-206.S.HEX

M10 x 1.25

Hexagon Head. CNC. With x3 copper washers, bleed nipple & cap




Hose Ends Socket Nuts Hose ends socket nuts. Olives must be purchased

seperately. Size M8 x 1.25mm M8 x 1.25mm Hose End Nut




-3 Hose Olive -3 Hose olive. You must use a new olive each time you re-align the fitting (unscrew and rotate) -3 Hose Olive 02-216.EA




Crimp Fitting For 600-03 Hose. Description


Part No

M10 x 1.00mm Male -Dual Seat Convex & Concave M10 x 1.00mm Male -Dual Seat Convex & Concave M10 x 1.00mm Male -Dual Seat Convex & Concave M10 x 1.25mm Male -Dual Seat Convex & Concave


02-630.000 02-630.045 02-630.090 02-631.000

45 ⁰ 90 ⁰


*Please visit our website for current prices

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com



Brake Line Fittings


42-100 / 42-105

42-101 / 42-102

Bleed Nipples (FIR) FIR Bleed nipples. Sold Individually or as a pack of 10. Note; Most Nissin and Honda oem calipers used 8mm bleeds,

most Tokico used 7mm bleeds, and Yamaha/Sumitomo use a variety of 7mm and 8mm, but please check that the thread is correct for your exact bike before ordering. Size Extra Info Pack Size Part No.

Banjo Quick Disconnect Dry Break

Size M10

Extra Info

Total Length


Part No.


42-100.EACH 42-100.PK/10 42-1055.EACH 42-105.Each 42-105.PK/10 42-102.Each 42-102_PK10 42-101.Each 42-101_PK10

M7 x 1.00

Thread: AN3

75mm (+/- 1mm)

20 Degree


Pack of 10

Same as JIC 600-03 brake hose fittings & 3/8 x 24 NOTE: These fittings need to be used with 25mm long banjo bolts (Shown Below)

M8 x 1.00


M8 x 1.25

Pack of 10


M10 x 1.00 With Banjo Bolt

Pack of 10


M10 x 1.25 With Banjo Bolt

Pack of 10

Brake Line Quick Disconnect Dry Break

Rubber Bleed Nipple Caps Rubber caps for bleed nipples. Sold individually or as packs of 10. Description Pack Size Part No.


Extra Info

Total Length


Part No.

Thread: AN3

68mm (+/- 1mm)



Same as JIC 600-03 brake hose fittings & 3/8 x 24 NOTE: These fittings need to be used with 25mm long banjo bolts (Shown Below)



Rubber Cap For Bleed Nipple (Black)

Pack of 10 Pack of 10


Rubber Cap For Bleed Nipple


Banjo Bolts Long

Available in; Blue, Green, Orange, Red & Yellow

Banjo Bolt M10 x 1.00 25mm Long Thread: M10 x 1.00 Length: 25mm (Under Hex) Material: Steel Finish: Silver Plated M10 x 1.00 Banjo Bolt Long 02-200.Z.HEX.LONG

Titanium GR5 Bleed Nipples Titanium GR5 bleed nipples. Sold as pairs. Please check that the thread is correct for your exact bike before ordering. Size Pack Size Part No. M6 x 1.00 Pack of 2 08-9654.06100.02 M7 x 1.00 Pack of 2 08-9654.07100.02 M8 x 1.00 Pack of 2 08-9654.08100.02 M8 x 1.25 Pack of 2 08-9654.08125.02 M10 x 1.00 Pack of 2 08-9654.10100.02

Banjo Bolt M10 x 1.25 25mm Long Thread: M10 x 1.25 Length: 25mm (Under Hex) Material: Steel Finish: Silver Plated M10 x 1.25 Banjo Bolt Long 02-201.Z.HEX.LONG

*Please visit our website for current prices


Tel: 01597 822 666

Fax: 01597 825 224



Brake Line Fittings

Copper Washers (FIR) Copper washers. Available in different sizes and pack sizes: Size ID x OD

Thickness Pack Size Part No.


08-700.EACH 08-700.PK004 08-700.PK025 08-700.PK100 02-204.PK004 02-204.PK025 02-204.PK100 08-701.PK004 08-701.PK025 08-701.PK100 02-203.PK004 02-203.PK025 02-203.PK100 08-702.PK004 08-702.PK025 08-702.PK100 08-703.PK004 08-703.PK025 08-703.PK100 08-704.PK004 08-704.PK025 08-704.PK100

Pack of 4 Pack of 25 Pack of 100 Pack of 4 Pack of 25 Pack of 100 Pack of 4 Pack of 25 Pack of 100 Pack of 4 Pack of 25 Pack of 100 Pack of 4 Pack of 25 Pack of 100 Pack of 4 Pack of 25 Pack of 100 Pack of 4 Pack of 25 Pack of 100


6mm x 10mm



8mm x 13mm



8mm x 20mm



10mm x 15mm



12mm x 18mm



14mm x 20mm



16mm x 20mm


Copper Washer Selection Pack (FIR) 150pc FIR 175 piece, copper washer selection pack. Pack contains assorted sizes M6 - M16. Comes complete with plastic organiser case. Kit Includes 25 each of the following:

• M6, 6 x 10 x 1mm • M8, 8 x 13 x 1.5mm

• M10, 10 x 15 x 1.5mm • M12, 12 x 18 x 1.5mm • M14, 14 x 20 x 1.5mm • M16, 16 x 20 x 1.5mm Copper Washer Selection Pack 150pc


Copper Washer Selection Pack (FIR) 200pc FIR 200 piece, copper washer selection pack. Pack contains assorted sizes M5 - M16. Comes complete with plastic organiser case. Kit Includes 30 each of the following:

M5: 9mm*1mm (30pcs) M6: 10mm*1mm (30pcs) M6: 12mm*1mm (20pcs) M8: 12mm*1mm (20pcs) M8: 14mm*1mm (20pcs) M10: 14mm*1mm (20pcs) M12: 16mm*1mm (20pcs) M12: 18mm*1.5mm (20pcs) M14: 18mm*1mm (20pcs) Copper Washer Selection Pack 200pc


Pro Banjo Bolt Kit M8 & M10 (FIR) Pro banjo bolt kit M8 & M10. All Banjo bolts in this kit are CNC made from stainless steel 303. This kit is the best, highest quality kit, on the market. Comes complete with copper crush washers. Kit Includes:

• M8x1.00 Single Banjo x5 Qty • M8x1.25 Single Banjo x5 Qty • M10x1.00 Single Banjo x5 Qty • M10x1.25 Single Banjo x5 Qty • M10x1.00 Twin Banjo x5 Qty • M10x1.25 Twin Banjo x5 Qty

• M8 Copper Crush Washers x25 Qty • M10 Copper Crush Washers x50 Qty Pro Banjo Bolt Kit


*Please visit our website for current prices

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com



Brake Line Clamps


Cushioned Tube Hose Clamps Aircraft quality clamps to support and locate hoses. They can be secured either by a rivet or a bolt. Available in 3 colours: Blue, Gold and Red. Cushioned Tube Hose Clamps 02-701


Rubber Lined Metal P-Clips Rubber lined metal P-clips. Available in 3 sizes. 16mm Rubber Lined P-Clip

44-950 44-951 44-952

21mm Rubber Lined P-Clip 25mm Rubber Lined P-Clip

44-950 / 44-951 / 44-952

Nylon P-Clips Nylon P-clips. Sold in packs of 10. Available in 4 sizes. 4.8mm Nylon P-Clip

44-940 44-941 44-942 44-943

6mm Nylon P-Clip 9mm Nylon P-Clip 12mm Nylon P-Clip


Nylon P-Clips

Cushioned Tube Hose Clamps Route your hoses where you want them, out of harms way. Hose separators are manufactured from billet aluminium and anodised to suit your colour scheme. Great for race vechicles, ATV’s, MX and street vehicles. 2 Hose clamp is available in 6 colours: Blue, Black, Gold, Red and Silver. 3 Hose Clamp is only available in Gold. 2 Hose Separator 02-702 3 Hose Separator 02-707 FIR ATV Brake Line Clamps Factory Image Brake Line Clamps are the best way to secure the routing of your brake lines. Constructed from aircraft grade billet aluminium and are available for 1” A-arms. They are available in 4 different colours: Blue, Black, Red and Silver. Sold in pairs. Size range 20-25mm. FIR ATV Brake Line Clamps (Pair) 02-700




Master Cylinders

Rear Master Cylinder Pair Polaris It is a left & Right front brake master cylinder. Fit for 7/8 inch handlebar (approx 22mm) Bolt size is M10 x 1.25mm. High quality aftermarket REAR brake cylinders. *Please See web notes for fitment list Master Cylinder Pair 42-2124.PAIR Master Cylinder Left Hand Side 42-2124.LH



Disc Brake Assembly Universal 110-250cc Left Hand disc brake assembly kit. Comes complete with Master cylinder, Brake Hose, Caliper and pads. Kit includes oil and is ready to mount and use straight away. Universal for ATV’s from 110-250cc. Brake hose length is 1750mm, caliper mounting holes are M8 with 52mm between centre of holes. ATV Disc Brake Assembly 42-204


Brake Master Cylinder Universal (Yamaha YFZ/YFM ) Fitting Data: Handlebar Size: 22mm Piston Bore: 16mm


Banjo Bolt: 10 x 1.25mm Brake Master Cylinder


*Please visit our website for current prices


Tel: 01597 822 666

Fax: 01597 825 224



Master Cylinders

Front Master Cylinder Assy. Front brake master cylinder assembly. Front mounted M10x1.25mm, complete assembly, includes brake lever and brake light switch with wires. Cylinder dimensions: 54mm L x 36.5mm W x 39mm H. Front Master cylinder assembly 42-202.H Trade Pack Of 5 42-202.P/PK5 Light Switch for the 42-202 44-023 Replacement Lever Blade 13-312 Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assy. (Universal) Universal rear brake master cylinder for foot controlled rear brakes. Tubing fitting M6x1.25mm to the brake caliper, comes complete with brake fluid reservoir. Includes banjo bolt and sealing washers. Mounting holes are 45mm between centres. Universal Rear Brake Master Cylinder 42-2349 Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assy. (Universal) Master brake cylinder for foot controlled rear brakes. Tubing fitting M10x1.25mm to the brake caliper, comes complete with brake fluid reservoir. Mounting holes are 40mm between centres. Universal Rear Brake Master Cylinder 42-203.P Banjo Bolt for Cylinder 02-201 Magura Rear Brake Master Cylinder Master brake cylinder for foot controlled rear brakes. Tubing fitting M10x1 to the brake caliper, without brake fluid reservoir. Fitting for tubing connection to an external brake fluid reservoir. Available with a 13mm or 16mm piston. As used on EML, KTM motorcycles. Mounting holes are 45mm between centres. Magura No. 0131411. 13mm Piston Rear Master Cylinder 13-788.13mm_V 16mm Piston Rear Master Cylinder 13-788.16mm_V Rep. Rear Brake Fluid Reservoir Replacement rear brake master cylinder fluid reservoir. Comes complete with cap and hose. Rep. Rear Brake Fluid Reservoir (Angled Outlet) 42-205 Rep. Rear Brake Fluid Reservoir (Straight Outlet) 42-2350 Rear Slave Brake Master Cylinder (Universal) Fixing Holes M6, centers 48/50mm With Banjo Bolt and sealing washers, Suit for many models of motorcycle, please compare the size with your original part. Ideal for High volume Callipers ATVs, Street and Dual sport motorcycles. Note. Reservoir outlet bettween bolt fixing holes. Rear Slave Brake Master Cylinder 42-220.AAA Master Cylinder Rear Brake Polaris Sportsman Rear Brake Master Cylinder Polaris Sportsman 335 / 400 / 450 / 500 / Magnum / Scrambler Manufactured to exacting standards so the engine can be rebuilt with total confidence. * Please see web notes for full fitment list. Master Cylinder Rear Brake 42-2353.AAA Master Cylinder Kit (With Resevoir) 42-2353.KIT Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assy Honda Rear Brake Master Cylinder for Honda TRX 420FA Rancher 2009 - 14 *Please See web notes for fitment list Rear Brake Master Cylinder 42-2355.AAA Rear Slave Brake Master Cylinder (Universal) Universal Motorcycle Rear Brake Master Cylinder pump. Fits Yamaha Suzuki Kawasaki Atv’s or dirt bikes. M10 size banjo bolt. Rear Slave Brake Master Cylinder 42-2359


Brake light switch 44-023











Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assy Polaris Sportsman Rear Brake Master Cylinder. Rear Foot Brake Master Cylinder for Polaris Sportsman 800 2008-10. * Please see web notes for full fitment list. Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assy 42-2120.KIT


*Please visit our website for current prices

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com




Master Cylinder Rebuilds

Master Cylinder Rebuild Kits These attractively packaged high quality kits have been sourced to meet or exceed OEM parts. Contains all the necessary components to completely rebuild the master cylinder. HONDA Models Years Front Rebuild Kit Rear Rebuild Kit ATC 200X 1986 - 87 42-193 42-162 TRX 200 Fourtrax 200 1984 42-193 TRX 200 Fourtrax 200 1990 - 91 42-193 TRX 200D Fourtrax Type II 1991 - 97 42-193 TRX 200SX Fourtrax 1986 - 88 42-193 ATC 250R 1985 - 86 42-193 TRX 250 Fourtrax 250 1985 - 86 42-193 TRX 250 Recon 1997 - 01 42-193 TRX 250D Recon 1997 - 01 42-194 TRX 250EX Sportrax 250EX 2001 - 08 42-194 TRX 250 / Fourtrax 1987 42-1442 TRX 250R Fourtrax 250R 1986 42-162 TRX 250R Fourtrax 250R 1987 - 89 42-194 42-162 TRX 250TE Fourtrax Recon ES 2002 - 13 42-194 TRX 250TM Fourtrax Recon 2002 - 13 42-194 TRX 250X Fourtrax 1985 - 86 42-193 TRX 250X Fourtrax 250X 1987 - 88 42-194 42-171 TRX 250X Fourtrax 250X 1991 - 92 42-194 42-171 TRX 250X 2009 - 14 42-193 TRX 300 Fourtrax 300 1988 - 00 42-193 TRX 300EX Fourtrax 300EX 1993 - 00 42-193 42-171 TRX 300EX Sportrax 300EX 2001 - 04 42-193 42-171 TRX 300EX 2005 - 08 42-193 42-171 TRX 300FW Sportrax 300 4x4 1988 - 00 42-192 TRX 300X 2009 42-193 42-171 ATC 350X 1985 - 86 42-193 TRX 350 Fourtrax 4x4 1986 - 87 42-193 TRX 350 Fourtrax 4x4 1988 - 89 42-1442 TRX 350D Foreman 4x4 1987 42-193 TRX 350D 1988 - 89 42-1442 TRX 350 Rancher 4x4 /ES 2000 - 03 42-193 TRX 350 FE/FM/TE/TM 2000 - 03 42-193 FL 400R 1989 - 90 42-1442 TRX 400 EX Fourtrax 1999 - 00 42-193 42-162 TRX 400 EX Sportrax 2001 - 08 42-193 42-162 TRX 400 FW Foreman ES 1995 - 03 42-192 TRX 400 X 2009 42-193 42-162 TRX 450 ER 2006 - 09 42-1442 42-171 TRX 450 ER 2012 - 14 42-1442 TRX 450 FE/FM 2002 - 04 42-192 TRX 450 R 2004 - 09 42-1442 42-171 TRX 450 S/ES 1998 - 01 42-192 TRX 500 FA Rubicon 2001 - 04 42-192 TRX 500 FGA 2004 42-192 TRX 700 XX 2008 - 09 42-1442 42-171


Rear Rebuild Kit

Front Rebuild Kit


KSF 250A1 Mojave


42-167 42-191 42-167 42-167 42-191 42-191 42-191 42-191 42-191 42-191 42-191

42-186 42-171 42-171

KSF 250A2~A17 Mojave KXF 250A1/A2 Tecate 4 KXT 250B2 Tecate 3 KEF 300A1~A6 Lakota KEF 300B1/B2 Lakota Sport KLF 300A1/A2 Bayou KLF 300B1~B17 Bayou KLF 300C1~C16 Bayou 4x4 KVF 300A1~A4 Prairie 2x4/4x4

1989 - 04 1987 - 88


1995 - 03 2001 - 02 1986 - 87 1988 - 05 1989 - 04 1999 - 02 1999 - 02

42-171 42-171

KVF 300B1~B4 Prairie KVF 360A/B/C Prairie

2003 - 12 42-191

KLF 400B1~B7 Bayou 4x4 KFX 400 A1/A2/A3 (KSF 400)

1993 - 99 2003 - 06

42-191 42-189

KVF 400 Prairie 2x4/4x4 KFX 450R (KSF 450)

1997 - 02 42-191

2008 - 14 2002 - 03

42-167 42-191


KVF 650A/B Prairie

KVF 650 Brute Force 4x4

2005 - 13 42-191

KVF 650F/G/H Brute Force F.I. KFX 700 V-Force (KSV 700A/B/C)

2006 - 11 2004 - 09 2004 - 06 2005 - 19

42-168 42-191 42-191 42-168

KVF 700 Prairie 4x4 KVF 750 Brute Force


Rear Rebuild Kit 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446 42-1446

Front Rebuild Kit


335 Sportsman

1999 - 00

335 Worker


400 Sportsman 450 Sportsman

2001 - 05 2006 - 07 1999 - 01 1998 - 04 2001 - 09 1999 - 01 2003 - 05 2002 - 06 2005 - 06

455 Diesel

500 Sportsman

500 Sportsman HO/EFI

500 Worker

600 Sportsman 700 Sportsman 800 Sportsman

*Please visit our website for current prices


Tel: 01597 822 666

Fax: 01597 825 224


Master Cylinder Rebuilds


Master Cylinder Rebuild Kits These attractively packaged high quality kits have been sourced to meet or exceed OEM parts. Contains all the necessary components to completely rebuild the master cylinder.

SUZUKI Models LT 230E Quadrunner LT 230GE Quadrunner LT 230SF Quad Sport LTF 230G Quadrunner LT 250E Quadrunner LT 250R Quad Racer LT 250S Quad Sport

Rear Rebuild Kit

Front Rebuild Kit


1987 - 93 1985 - 86 1985 - 88 1986 - 87 1985 - 86 1985 - 92 1989 - 90 1999 - 02 2002 - 04 2002 - 09 1988 - 01 2004 - 09 1999 - 02 1987 - 89

42-189 42-189 42-189 42-189 42-190 42-189 42-189 42-190 42-190 42-190 42-190 42-189 42-190 42-189 42-189 42-190 42-190 42-190 42-190 42-190 42-190 42-189 42-190 42-189 42-190 42-190 42-189 42-190 42-190 42-189 42-190 42-191 42-190 42-189




Rear Rebuild Kit

Front Rebuild Kit


42-188 42-188

YFM 125 Raptor YFS 200 Blaster YTZ 250N Tri-Moto YTZ 250S Tri-Moto

2011 - 13


2003 - 06 42-164

LT-F 250F LT-F 250K

1985 1986


42-176 42-176

LT-F 250F Ozark

YFM 250X Bear Tracker YFM 250B Bruin 2WD YFM 250B Big Bear 2WD YFM 350 Big Bear 2WD YFM 350 Big Bear 2WD YFM 35A Bruin 2WD YFM 35FA Bruin 4WD YFM 35FG Grizzly 4WD YFM 350FW Big Bear YFM 350FX Wolverine YFM 350FX Wolverine YFM 350G Grizzly 2WD

2002 - 04 2005 - 06 2007 - 09

42-165 42-165 42-165

LT-F 250 Quadrunner LT-Z 250 Quadsport LT-F 300F King Quad LT 300E Quadrunner LT-4WD Quadrunner LT-4WD Quadrunner LT-F4WD King Quad LT-A 400 Eiger 2WD LT-A 400F Eiger 4WD LT-F 400 Eiger 2WD LT-F 400F Eiger 4WD LT-Z 400K Quadsport LT-A 450X King Quad LT-R 450R Quad Racer LT-A 500F Quad Master LT-A 500F Vinson 4WD LT-A 500XP King Quad LT-A 500X King Quad LT-F 500F Quadrunner LT 500R Quad Racer LT-A 700X King Quad LT-V 700F Twin Peaks LT-A 750X King Quad LT-A 750XP King Quad

1996 - 98 42-187


42-196 42-165 42-165 42-165 42-187 42-187 42-165


2004 - 06 2004 - 06 2007 - 11 1987 - 01 1995 - 01 2002 - 05

1988 - 98 1991 - 98 2002 - 09 2002 - 11 2002 - 09 2002 - 11 2003 - 08 2007 - 09 2006 - 09 2000 - 01 2002 - 07


2007 - 11 42-165 2005 - 13 42-164


YFM 350R Raptor

YFM 350U Big Bear 2x4


42-196 42-187 42-187 42-164 42-165 42-187 42-164 42-165 42-165 42-187 42-196 42-165 42-164


YFM 350X Warrior YFM 350X Warrior YFM 350X Warrior

1988 - 89 1990 - 01 2002 - 04 2006 - 09 1987 - 01 2002 - 06 2002 - 09 2002 - 11 1993 - 98

42-176 42-195 42-195


2009 2011

YFM 35X Wolverine 2WD

YFZ 350 Banshee YFZ 350 Banshee


1998 - 02 1987 - 90 2005 - 07 2004 - 05 2008 - 09 2009 - 11


YFM 400 Big Bear 2WD YFM 400 Big Bear 4WD YFM 400FW Kodiak 4WD YFM 400 Kodiak 4WD


YFM 450FG Grizzly

2008 - 11 2004 - 06 2007 - 13

YFZ 450 YFZ 450 YFZ 450

42-166 42-166 42-166 42-164


YFM 550FG Grizzly YFM 600F Grizzly YFM 660F Grizzly YFM 660R Raptor YFM 700FG Grizzly YFM 700FG Grizzly YFM 700R Raptor

2009 - 12 1998 - 01 2002 - 08 2001 - 05

42-196 42-165 42-164 42-164

42-166 42-164 42-164


2008 - 11



*Please visit our website for current prices

E-mail: sales@oro2u.com




Master Cylinder Rebuilds


Front Rebuild Kit 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB

Rear Rebuild Kit

550 H1 FIS 4x4 LTD



2011 - 14 2009 - 11

550 TRV 4x4 w/AT 550 TRV Cruiser


550 TRV GT 550 TRV LTD 550 TRV XT

2011 - 12 2009 - 15 2013 - 15

550 XR

2015 2015 2015

550 XR LTD 550 XR XT

550 XT EFI 4x4 Alterra 550 / XT

2013 - 14


Alterra 570

2019 - 20 2019 - 21

Alterra 570 EPS Alterra 570 XT Alterra 600 EPS

2019 2022

650 4x4 H1

2007 - 11 2005 - 06 2005 - 07 2010 - 11 2007 - 09 2007 - 09

Allballs Master Cylinder Rebuild Kits The All Balls Brake Master Cylinder Re-build Kits contain all of the components required to re-furbish one master cylinder.

650 4x4 w/AT V2

650 H1 LTD

650 H1 Mudpro

650 H1 TBX


650 TRV


2007 2012

Front Rebuild Kit 42-2438.AB 42-2438.AB

Rear Rebuild Kit

650i 4x4

250 2x4 250 DVX 300 2x4 300 DVX

2006 - 08 2006 - 08 2010 - 16 2010 - 15 2017 - 22

700 Diesel

2007 - 15 2007 - 14 2008 - 10

700 EFI

42-2438.AB 42-2442.AB 42-2438.AB 42-2442.AB 42-2438.AB 42-2442.AB

700 EFI H1

700 EFI H1 LTD


Alterra 300

700 EFI H1 Mudpro

2009 - 11

350 CR

2012 2011

42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB

700 GT EFI


350 Utility 4x4 366 FIS w/AT

700 LTD

2006 - 14

2008 - 10

700 Mudpro


366 SE FIS w/AT


700 Mudpro LTD

2012 - 17 2010 - 17

400 4x4 400 DVX

2014 - 15 2004 - 08 2006 - 14 2005 - 14

700 TBX

42-263.AB 42-262.AB

700 TBX GT 700 TBX LTD 700 TBX SE

2012 2011 2016

400 FIS 4x4 TRV 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT

42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB

400 FIS 4x4 w/AT LTD


700 TRV

2008 - 12 2008 - 10 2011 - 12 2013 - 15

400 FIS 4x4 w/MT

2005 - 08 2005 - 06 2005 - 06 2005 - 06 2016 - 17 2011 - 12

700 TRV Cruiser

400 TBX 4x4

700 TRV GT 700 TRV LTD 700 TRV SE 700 TRV XT

400 VP 4x4 w/AT 400 VP 4x4 w/MT


Alterra 400

2013 - 15

425 4x4

700 XR / XR LTD

2015 2015

425 SE 4x4


700 XR XT

450 4x4 450 H1 450i EFI

2013 - 15 2010 - 11

700 XT

2013 - 14 2016 - 21 2018 - 19 2018 - 20

Alterra 700

2012 2012

Alterra 700 Mudpro LTD

450i GT EFI 450i TRV EFI

Alterra 700 TBX

2011 - 12

Alterra 700 VLX / VLX EPS

2018 2016



Alterra 700 XT

Alterra 450

2016 - 22 2011 - 17 2013 - 16

Alterra 700 XT EPS Alterra TRV 700 EPS Alterra TRV 700 XT EPS

2017 - 19

XC 450

42-260.AB 42-2443.AB


500 EFI 4x4 w/AT 500 EFI 4x4 w/AT

42-260.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-260.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB 42-2437.AB

2017 - 22


VLX 700

2017 2011

500 FIS 4x4 w/AT & w/MT

2005 - 09 2005 - 06 2005 - 08 2013 - 15

1000 H2 LTD

500 FIS TBX 4x4 500 FIS TRV 4x4

1000 H2 Mudpro

2010 - 11 2008 - 10 2012 - 17 2009 - 10 2009 - 12


500 TRV 500 XR

1000 Mudpro LTD


1000 TRV

500 XT EFI Alterra 500

2013 - 14 2017 - 18

1000 TRV Cruiser

1000 TRV GT 1000 TRV LTD 1000 TRV XT


Alterra 500 XT Alterra TRV 500

2016 2017

2013 - 15


550 EFI 4x4

2012 - 14

1000 XT 1000i GT

2013 - 17

550 GT EFI 4x4 550 H1 FIS 4x4


2012 2017

2009 - 11

Alterra TRV 1000 XT

*Please visit our website for current prices


Tel: 01597 822 666

Fax: 01597 825 224


Master Cylinder Rebuilds



Left Hand Brake Rebuild Kit

Front Rebuild Kit

Rear Rebuild Kit

Models ATV Outlander 330


2004 - 05

42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1450.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1449.AB

Outlander 330 4x4


Outlander 400

2003 - 04

Outlander 400 STD 2x4 Outlander 400 STD 4x4 Outlander 400 XT 4x4 Outlander Max 400 EFI


2005 - 15 2004 - 14


Outlander Max 400 STD 4x4 Outlander Max 400 XT 4x4 Outlander Max 400 XT 4x4 Outlander DPS 450 EFI

2005 - 14 2006 - 07 2008 - 14 2016 - 22 2015 - 16 2015 - 16 2019 - 21


Left Hand Brake Rebuild Kit

Front Rebuild Kit

Rear Rebuild Kit

Models ATV


Outlander STD 650 EFI Outlander XT 650 EFI

2017 - 22

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

Outlander L 450 EFI


Outlander L Max 450 EFI Outlander Max 450 6x6 Outlander Max 450 6x6 Outlander Max 450 EFI Outlander Max DPS 450 EFI Outlander Max STD 450 EFI

Renegade 650 EFI

2018 - 19 2006 - 08 2011 - 12 2006 - 08

42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB

Outlander 800 STD 4x4 Outlander 800 XMR Outlander 800 XT 4x4 Outlander 800 XXC Outlander 800R STD 4x4 Outlander 800R STD 4x4 Outlander 800R XMR Outlander 800R XT 4x4 Outlander 800R XT 4x4 Outlander Max 800 LTD 4x4 Outlander Max 800 STD 4x4 Outlander Max 800 XT 4x4 Outlander Max 800R EFI

42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB

2022 2017


42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1450.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1450.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

2016 - 22 2018 - 22 2017 - 22


42-263.AB 42-1451.AB 42-263.AB

2009 - 11 2012 - 15

42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB

Outlander STD 450 EFI Outlander 500 LTD 4x4 Outlander 500 STD 4x4 Outlander 500 STD 4x4 Outlander 500 XT 4x4 Outlander 500 XT 4x4 Outlander L 500 EFI



2007 - 12 2013 - 15 2007 - 12 2013 - 14

2009 - 11 2012 - 14 2007 - 08 2006 - 08 2006 - 08

2015 2015 2015 2007

Outlander L Max 500 EFI Outlander Max 500 EFI Outlander Max 500 STD 4x4 Outlander Max 500 STD 4x4 Outlander Max 500 STD 4x4 Outlander Max 500 XT 4x4 Outlander Max 500 XT 4x4 Outlander Max 500 XT 4x4


Outlander Max 800R LTD/STD 4x4 2009 - 12

Outlander Max 800R STD 4x4 Outlander Max 800R XT 4x4 Outlander Max 800R XT 4x4

2013 - 14 2009 - 12 2013 - 14

2008 - 12 2013 - 14


Renegade 800 Renegade 800 Renegade 800 Renegade 800 X Renegade 800 XXC Renegade 800 XXC


2008 - 12 2013 - 14 2008 - 12 2013 - 15

2008 - 11 2012 - 15 2008 - 09 2010 - 11 2012 - 14

42-263.AB 42-1451.AB 42-263.AB 42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB 42-263.AB 42-1451.AB 42-263.AB 42-263.AB 42-1451.AB 42-263.AB 42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB

Renegade 500 Renegade 500

42-263.AB 42-1451.AB 42-263.AB 42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB

Renegade 500 XT



Outlander DPS 570 EFI Outlander L/LE 570 EFI Outlander Max 570 EFI

2016 - 22

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

Outlander 850


42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB


Outlander 850 DPS Outlander 850 XMR

2016 - 22 2016 - 22 2016 - 22 2017 - 21 2016 - 22 2016 - 19

2016 - 17 2016 - 22 2018 - 22

Outlander Max DPS 570 EFI Outlander Max STD 570 EFI Outlander MR 570 EFI Outlander STD 570 EFI Outlander XMR 570 EFI Outlander XT 570 EFI

Outlander 850 XT/XTP Outlander Max 850 DPS Outlander Max 850 XT/XTP


2017 - 22 2016 - 22

Allballs Master Cylinder Rebuild Kits The All Balls Brake Master Cylinder Re-build Kits contain all of the components required to re-furbish one master cylinder. 42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB 2020 - 22 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB Renegade 850 XXC 2016 - 19 42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB Renegade 850 Renegade 850

2022 2016

Renegade 570 EFI Renegade 570 EFI Renegade 570 EFI

Renegade 850 XXC Outlander 1000 DPS Outlander 1000 EFI 6x6 Outlander 1000 XMR Outlander 1000 XMR Outlander 1000 XMR Outlander 1000 XMR Outlander 1000 XMR Outlander 1000 XT Outlander 1000 XTP Outlander 1000 XXC Outlander Max 1000

2020 - 22 2012 - 19 2015 - 18 2013 - 18

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1449.AB

2017 - 19 2020 - 22 2017 - 19 2020 - 21 2000 - 07 2015 - 18

42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

Renegade XMR 570 EFI Renegade XMR 570 EFI

42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

2019 2020 2021 2022



Outlander 650 6x6 Outlander 650 6x6

42-1447.AB 42-1449.AB




Outlander 650 STD 4x4 Outlander 650 STD 4x4 Outlander 650 XMR Outlander 650 XT 4x4 Outlander 650 XT 4x4 Outlander DPS 650 EFI Outlander Max 650 6x6 Outlander Max 650 6x6

2006 - 12 2013 - 15 2013 - 22 2006 - 12 2013 - 14 2017 - 22 2019 - 21

42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1449.AB

2012 - 22 2013 - 22 2020 - 22 2013 - 20 2019 - 21

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1449.AB

Outlander Max 1000 EFI 6x6 Outlander Max 1000 EFI 6x6 Outlander Max 1000 LTD Outlander Max 1000 XT/XTP



2015 - 16 2013 - 22 2012 - 19 2016 - 19 2020 - 22 2012 - 19 2020 - 22

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB



Outlander Max 650 DPS Outlander Max 650 STD 4x4 Outlander Max 650 STD 4x4 Outlander Max 650 XT Outlander Max 650 XT 4x4 Outlander Max 650 XT 4x4

2021 - 22 2006 - 12 2013 - 15 2021 - 22 2006 - 12 2013 - 14

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB 42-273.AB 42-1451.AB 42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

Renegade 1000

42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB 42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB

Renegade 1000 XMR Renegade 1000 XMR Renegade 1000 XXC Renegade 1000 XXC

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

42-1448.AB 42-1449.AB 42-1448.AB

42-1447.AB 42-1452.AB

*Please visit our website for current prices

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