ORO2U ATV Catalogue - Section F - Brakes and Drive


Brake Shoes & Pads

ATV Brake Shoes & Pads The correct choice of brake pads or shoes is very important! Choosing the wrong type can lead to all sorts of expense and the wearing of your discs. For dry or wet sandy conditions a hard pad is a must. Hard pads are made from a sintered metal developed for very abrasive conditions. Soft pads for mud and dry dirt conditions will give you a good feel to your brake, and will not wear out your disc.






Pads Shoes Pads Shoes

KVF 300 2x4

2012 - 17 39-377 * 2003 - 13 39-054 *

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



KVF 360A/B/C Prairie


39-165 (L) 39-135 (R)

KLF 400B Bayou 4x4

1993 - 99



KFX 400 (KSF400A) KVF 400A/B Prairie KVF 400C Prairie 4x4 KVF 400D Prairie 2x4

2003 - 06 39-084 * 1997 - 98 39-054 * 1999 - 02 39-054 * 1999 - 01 39-054 *



- - -

38-710 38-710 38-710

39-342 (L) 39-349 (R) 39-342 (L) 39-349 (R) 39-342 (L) 39-349 (R) 39-165 (L) 39-135 (R) 39-165 (L) 39-135 (R) 39-342 (L) 39-349 (R) 39-342 (L) 39-349 (R) 39-165 (L) 39-135 (R) 39-165 (L) 39-135 (R)

KFX 450R

2008 - 14


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

KVF 650A Prairie

2002 - 03

KVF 650 Brute Force

2004 - 13

KVF 650 Brute Force 4x4i

2006 - 10

Standard Brake Shoes EBC Brake Shoes Vesrah Brake Shoes

38-***.DR 38-***.EBC

Standard Pad

39-***.S 39-***.H

KVF 650 Brute Force 4x4i

2011 - 13

Sintered Metal Pad Prox Sintered Pad Moto Master Nitro Pad



KFX 700 V-Force

2004 - 09

39-***.H.N Moto Master Racing Pad 39-***.H.MM Renthal Sintered Pad 39-***.H.REN Dunlopad Pad 39-***.H.DP

KVF 700A Prairie 700 4x4

2004 - 08

KVF 750A Brute Force 4x4

2005 - 21

KVF 750 Brute Force 4x4 EPS 2005 - 21




Models KLT 110A KLT 160A KLT 185A


Pads Shoes Pads Shoes



1984 - 86

- - - - - - - -

38-603 38-603 38-603 38-603 38-603 38-603 38-603

- - - - - - -

38-602 38-602 38-602 38-705 38-705 38-705 38-705

Models UTV


Pads Shoes Pads Shoes


KAF 300 A1/B1-2 (Mule 500)

1992 - 95

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

38-628 * 38-628 * 38-628 * 38-718 * 38-718 * 38-718 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 * 38-719 *

- - - -

- - -

1986 - 87 1981 - 84 1982 - 83 1983 - 85

KAF 300 C1/C2/C3 (Mule 550) 1997 - 00

KLT 200A/B/C

KAF 300D (Mule 250) KAF 400B (Mule 600) KAF 400A (Mule 610 4x4) KAF 400A (Mule 610 4x4) KAF 450 B1 (Mule 1000) KAF 540 C1 (Mule 2010) KAF 540 D1 (Mule 2020) KAF 540 E1 (Mule 2030) KAF 620 A (Mule 2510) KAF 620 B (Mule 2520) KAF 620 C (Mule 2500) KAF 620 E (Mule 3010) KAF 620 F (Mule 3020) KAF 620 G (Mule 3000) KAF 620 H (Mule 3010 4x4)

KLT 250A KLT 250C KLT 250P

2006 - 14 2006 - 10 2011 - 14

38-718 * 38-718 * 38-719 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 * 38-720 *

1984 1984

KXT 250 A1 Tecate-3 KXT 250 A2/B1 Tecate-3 KXT 250 B2 Tecate-3 KFX 50 (KSF50A) KFX 50 (KSF50A) KFX 80 (KSF80A) KFX 90 (KSF90A) KLF 110A/B Mojave KLF 185A Bayou KLF 185A Bayou KLF 22 0A Bayou KLF 250A Bayou KSF 250A Mojave KXF 250A Tecate-4 KEF 300A Lakota KEF 300B Lakota Sport

38-705 39-083

- - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

1985 - 86 39-067 1987 - 88 39-067

- -

39-067 39-084

2003 - 05 2007 - 08 2003 - 06 2007 - 15 1986 - 88

- - - - - - - - -

38-614 *



38-338 * 39-305


38-614 *



38-338 * 39-305


38-603 *

- - - - -

38-602 38-706 38-706 38-706 38-706



1986 - 88 1988 - 02 2003 - 11

38-705 * 38-705 * 38-705 *

KAF 620 J (Mule 3010 Trans 4x4) KAF 620 M (Mule 4010 Trans 4x4)

2005 - 07


38-719 *


38-720 *

1987 - 04 39-067 * 1987 - 88 39-067 * 1995 - 03 39-067 * 2001 - 03 39-128 *

- - - -

39-084 39-084 39-084 39-084

- - - -

2009 - 17


38-719 *


38-720 *

KAF 620 N (Mule 4010 Trans 4x4 Hardwoods)



38-719 *


38-720 *

KLF 300A Bayou KLF 300B Bayou

1986 - 87


38-717 *

- -

38-706 38-706

1988 - 04 39-067 *

- - - - - - - -

KAF 620 P (Mule 4000) KAF 620 R (Mule 4010 Trans 4x4)



38-719 *


38-720 *

39-165 (L) 39-135 (R) 39-165 (L) 39-135 (R)

KLF 300B Bayou


2009 - 17


38-719 *


38-720 *

KAF 620 S (Mule 4010 Trans 4x4 Hardwoods)

2009 - 19


38-719 *


38-720 *

KLF 300C Bayou 4x4

1989 - 05



700cc Mule Pro-MX

2019 - 21 39-135 *

39-377 * 39-377 *

KVF 300 Brute Force KVF 300A Prairie 4x4 KVF 300B Prairie 2x4

2012 - 21 39-377 * 1999 - 02 39-054 * 1999 - 02 39-054 *


700cc Mule Pro-MX EPS


39-135 *

- -

38-710 38-710

700cc Mule Pro-MX EPS Camo


39-135 *

39-377 *

* Requires two sets, (L) - Left, (R) - Right

* Requires two sets, (L) - Left, (R) - Right

*Please visit our website for current prices


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