ORO2U ATV Catalogue - Section D - Service and Control


Wheel Bearings & Seal Kits

** Note; x2 Front Wheel Kits Will Be Required Per Vehicle **


Front Kits

Rear Kits

Models ATV 366 SE FIS w/AT

Years Front Wheel Rear Wheel Per Veh.

2011 2002 2002

17-2381 17-2071 17-2071 17-2071 17-2071 17-2071

17-2381 17-2075 17-2075 17-2076 17-2075 17-2076 17-2381 17-2075 17-2075 17-1199 17-2071 17-2071 17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2076 17-2076 17-2076 17-2075 17-2075 17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2075 17-2071 17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381

2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

375 2x4 w/AT 375 4x4 w/AT

400 2x4 400 2x4 400 4x4 400 4x4

1998 - 00


1998 - 00

2014 - 15 17-2381

400 4x4 w/AT 400 4x4 w/MT

2003 - 04 2001 - 04 2004 - 08 2003 - 04 2003 - 04

17-2071 17-2071 17-2597 17-2071 17-2071

400 DVX

400 FIS 2x4 w/AT 400 FIS 2x4 w/MT 400 FIS 4x4 TRV 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT

Allballs Wheel Bearing & Seal Kits Allballs wheel bearings and seal kits Contains all of the bearings and seals required to re-fit a wheel

2006 - 14 17-2381

2003 - 04


The all balls bearings is premium EMQ quality, hi-speed-bearings featuring low drag, double lip rubber seals which provide superior exclusion of water and dirt and improved grease retention. The Allballs, Type TC, Nitrile Elastomer wheel seals are specifically designed to keep out water and dirt.

2005 - 14 17-2381

400 FIS 4x4 w/AT LTD


17-2381 17-2071

400 FIS 4x4 w/MT 400 FIS 4x4 w/MT

2002 - 04

2005 - 08 17-2381

400 TBX 4x4 400 TBX 4x4


17-2071 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2071 17-2071 17-2071

2005 - 06 2005 - 06 2005 - 06 2016 - 17 2011 - 12

400 VP 4x4 w/AT 400 VP 4x4 w/MT


Front Kits

Rear Kits

Alterra 400


Years Front Wheel Rear Wheel Per Veh.

425 4x4

ATV 50 ATV 90

All All All All All All All All All All All All

17-2070 17-2070 17-2070

17-2370 17-2370 17-2370 17-2040 17-2040 17-1189 17-1189 17-1189 17-1189 17-1189 17-1189 17-1189

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

425 SE 4x4


450 4x4 450 H1 450i EFI

2013 - 15 2010 - 11

ATV 90 II ATV150S ATV150S II ATV 22 0S ATV300 Q ATV300 S

- - - - - - - - -

2012 2012

450i GT EFI 450i TRV EFI

2011 - 12



Alterra 450

2016 - 21 2011 - 17 1997 - 98 1996 - 98 1998 - 99

ATV300 Sport II

XC 450 454 2x4 454 4x4 500 4x4

ATV300 U ATV300 U II

ATV300 XS Assault

500 4x4 w/AT 500 4x4 w/MT

2000 - 02 17-2071 2000 - 01 17-2071


500 EFI 4x4 w/AT 500 FIS 4x4 w/AT 500 FIS 4x4 w/AT 500 FIS 4x4 w/MT 500 FIS 4x4 w/MT 500 FIS TBX 4x4 500 FIS TBX 4x4 500 FIS TBX 4x4 500 FIS TRV 4x4 500 FIS TRV 4x4

2013 - 17 2002 - 04 2005 - 09 2002 - 04 2005 - 09

17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2071 17-2381 17-2071 17-2071 17-2381 17-2071

Front Kits

Rear Kits

Models ATV

Years Front Wheel Rear Wheel Per Veh.

50 2x4 50 DVX


17-2070 17-2070 17-2070 17-2070 17-2070 17-2070

17-2370 17-2370 17-2370 17-2370 17-2370 17-2370 17-2370 17-2578 17-2578 17-2436 17-2071 17-9317 17-2071 17-2381 17-2405 17-2071 17-9317 17-2071 17-2381 17-2405 17-9317 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2

2006 - 08 2004 - 06 2002 - 04 2004 - 05 2006 - 18


50 Y-6

2003 - 04 2005 - 06 2003 - 04

90 2-Stroke 90 4-Stroke

90 DVX

2005 - 08 17-2381

90 Utility 2x4 90 Utility 2x4 Alterra 90 150 Utility 250 2x4 250 2x4 250 4x4 250 4x4 250 DVX 300 2x4 300 2x4 300 4x4 300 4x4 300 DVX Alterra 300

2006 - 13 17-2070

500 TRV 500 XR

2013 - 15

17-2381 17-2381

2014 - 16



2017 - 21 17-2070 2009 - 19 17-1172 1999 - 05 17-2071

500 XT EFI Alterra 500

2013 - 14 17-2381 2017 - 18 17-2381

Alterra 500 XT Alterra TRV 500

2016 2017

17-2381 17-2381

2006 - 09 2001 - 04

17-1154 17-2071 17-2381

550 EFI 4x4

2012 - 14 17-2381


550 GT EFI 4x4 550 H1 FIS 4x4


17-2381 17-2381 17-2381

2006 - 08 17-1154

2009 - 11

1998 - 04 2010 - 16 1998 - 04

17-2071 17-1154 17-2071 17-2381 17-1154 17-1154 17-2381 17-2381

550 H1 FIS 4x4 LTD



2011 - 14 17-2381

550 TRV 4x4 w/AT 550 TRV Cruiser

2009 - 11

17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381 17-2381



2009 - 15 2017 - 21

550 TRV GT 550 TRV LTD 550 TRV XT

2011 - 12 2009 - 15 2013 - 15

350 CR

2012 2011

350 Utility 4x4 366 FIS w/AT

550 XR

2015 2015

2008 - 10 17-2381

550 XR LTD

*Please visit our website for current prices


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Fax: 01597 825 224


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