Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020 Part 2: Policy improvement and relevance to MARIE outputs
The proposed policy improvement
Enhancing governance of RRI principles in the implementation and monitoring of the S&E Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 (S&E ROP). Dimensions of RRI are currently considered in the policy instrument through integration of the 3 horizontal principles of 1) sustainable development, 2) gender equality & non-discrimination and 3) social inclusion into programme design and project selection. However, it has been recognised that there is a need to integrate a more comprehensive system to further embed the RRI dimension into the management, delivery and governance of the process, this can be complemented by raising awareness with the policy managers of the enhanced RRI dimension and its potential application. Improvementof thepolicyinstrument focusesonenhancedgovernance. The Southern Regional Assembly (SRA) are Managing Authority (MA) for the ROP. A Monitoring Committee (MC) was established at the outset of the programme to review all progress and impact made under the ROP and have the authority to make strategic decisions. SFI, as IB, are required to complete and submit a progress report against pre-determined targets and milestones to the MC in advance of the annual committee meeting. The scope to make changes to the reporting template is limited and a case must be presented and approved through the MC at the annual meeting. SFI and SRA negotiated and agreed a revised reporting template which was presented and approved by the MC. Specifically, this revised template will now require SFI to incorporate additional reporting on twoRRI keys: Public Engagement andpromotion of Science Education in all their ResearchCentres andAssociated Spokes Programmes co-funded through the S&E ROP.
Description of policy improvement
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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