Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020
Match between Regional RRI Maturity and selection of GP
This GP addresses elements of stronger Governance which the S&E region of Ireland scored a modest rating in the maturity mapping exercise.
Through adoption of the principles outlined in this GP the SRA aim to:
• Embed the governance of RRI elements into the S&E ROP;
• Mirror their quadruple helix approach by integrating SFI into the process and fostering a more vested interest into the improvement and reporting on the RRI elements.
There is a match between the actual and required level of RRI maturity.
Good Practice 2 - used to define the Policy Improvement
Title of Good Practice 2
RIS3 Galicia: Shared vision and entrepreneurial discovery
GP owner (region)
Galician Agency for Innovation (GAIN), Spain.
Can this GP address the policy need(s) identified in the previous section? If yes, how?
Yes. The good practice (GP) ‘Shared vision and entrepreneurial discovery’ deals with:
Public engagement;
• Stronger governance improving efficiency and effectiveness;
• More focused allocation of funding;
• Involvement of stakeholder and innovation players in defining the regions strategic challenges and objectives;
• Agreement on shared vision and conclusions.
This GP effectively links the elements of RRl with the establishment of a stronger governance structure for conducting analysis and increased public engagement. On review of this GP the SRA were prompted to revisit our maturity mapping exercise and to revise the current reporting requirements in order to address areas flagged for improvement namely governance and public engagement. The enhancement of the governance structure within the S&E ROP requires additional engagement from SFI, our primary stakeholder, further consolidating their commitment to embedding RRI into their work thereby increasing public engagement and strengthening RTDI in the region. By following the lead of this GP in their extensive quadruple helix approach and involving a wide array of stakeholders in a shared vision for the region the SRA can ensure all relevant stakeholders are fully informed of the potential impact of embedding RRI elements into their work. This can help facilitate the objective of increasing the level of commercialisation of research by the HEIs in the programme area in line with the S3 strategy.
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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