Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020
SFI offers a range of funding schemes which support scientists and engineers to deliver both research excellence and economic and societal impact. They currently invest approximately equal amounts of its budget in individually-led awards (e.g. SFI Investigators programme, Career Development programme, Starting Investigators programme, etc.) and in large Research Centre-type activities. SFI awards grants based upon the merit review of distinguished scientists. SFI also advances co-operative efforts among education, government, and industry that support its fields of emphasis and promotes Ireland’s ensuing achievements around the world. Engaging with industry remains one of the key mechanisms for transferring the benefits of public investment in research into sustainable economic development and creating competitive advantage for Ireland. Approximately 40% of SFI grants include an industry collaborator, these collaborations may be either to perform basic or applied research. SFI’s mission is to be a global leader in scientific research and innovation while staying true to their core values including integrity, collaboration and respect.
Responsibilities / role within the development and implementation of the policy improvement
• Science Foundation Ireland are authors of the good practice ‘Broadening the Scope of Impact’ for the MARIE project which has been adopted and published by Interreg Europe.
• SFI will assist in development and improvement of the policy framework changes at stakeholder meetings.
• SFI’s principal role is the collection and reporting of primary metrics and outputs upon which the policy improvement will be based.
• To further assist where applicable with the development and implementation of the policy improvements throughout the project.
Does this organisation provide political backing to the implementation of the policy improvement? If yes, how?
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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