SRA MARIE project Regional Action Plan 2020 WEB

Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

Name of stakeholder

The Impacter Development Centre– Szilvia Szabo & Maya Marquez

Type of stakeholder

Business – Social InnovationWebsite The Impactor Development Centre support and manage projects which have what they refer to as the “Impact Booster” effect and help facilitate the acceleration of change through responsible innovation. They are the organisers and hosts of the annual international ‘Responsible Innovation Summit’ which provides the opportunity to interact with peers and learn from other RRI related projects ranging from science communication to project management. The overall aim of the conference is to introduce responsible innovation as an adaptable business concept. TheMARIE project partnered upwith the Impacter Development Centre by hosting the mid-term event at the Responsible Innovation Summit which took place in Dublin on October 2018 providing the opportunity to interact with peers and learn fromother projects. This pilot collaboration proved to be such a success that the decision has beenmace to host the final event for phase-1 of theMARIE project at the RI summit taking place in Dublin on the 30th October 2019. Impacter through the forumof the annual Responsible Innovation Summit promote theMARIE project as a partner. Impacter have also been very active as stakeholders attending the Interregional Learning Events which in turn have fed into the development of the action plan.

Responsibilities / role within the development and implementation of the policy improvement

Does this organisation provide political backing to the implementation of the policy improvement? If yes, how?


Name of stakeholder

Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation (DBEI) – Marcus Breathnach Irish Government Department and Policy-making organisation To advise & assist with the identification, development and implementation of the policy improvements in line with government policy. Yes – this is an Irish Government Department, with a wide remit. The Departments mission is the creation and maintenance of high quality and sustainable full employment across all regions of the country. They aim to achieve this by promoting enterprise and innovation across government and supporting a competitive business environment to incentivise employment, trade, innovation and investment. The Innovation & Investment Division is responsible for policy and delivery management for enterprise, science, technology, innovation, intellectual property and North/South activities which is delivered thorough multiple agencies.

Type of stakeholder

Responsibilities / role within the development and implementation of the policy improvement Does this organisation provide political backing to the implementation of the policy improvement? If yes, how?

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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