SRA MARIE project Regional Action Plan 2020 WEB

Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

Enablers and barriers of Action Plan development and implementation


Importance of enabler and potential impact on development and implementation of policy im- provement They are pivotal to the successful data gathering and analysis of the RRI indicators and implementa- tion of the action plan and the policy improvement

Enabler title

Description of enabler




Importance of barrier and potential impact on development and implementation of policy im- provement The voluntary participation of SFI in the increased RRI reporting requirements going forward is crucial to the successful improvement of the policy instru- ment. The Regional Action Plan and subsequent policy instrument improvement may be compro- mised if there is a change in SFI policy or leadership.

Barrier title

Description of barrier

SFI: change in policy or leadership


Transferability conditions and factors

Importance of factor and potential impact on regional transferability of policy improvement It is an important factor. If there are fixed forms of project applications (for example standardized national- ly) it can constrain the implementa- tion of this action. There is minimal, if any impact, the Policy improvement is easily trans- ferable to other regions.

Factor title

Description of factor


Flexibility of the funding system

There are no barriers envisaged to the transfer of the improvement in the Policy Instrument to other re- gions. Once developed it is easily transferred.


Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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