Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020
Amongst them:
• Preparation of Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans (MASPs) for the Cork, Limerick and Waterford Metropolitan areas;
• Identification and prioritisation of key future growth enablers required to deliver full regional potential;
• Promotion and development of innovative rural communities through smart regional clusters;
• Development of Innovation Hubs and Centres of Excellence with particular opportunities for innovation.
The RSES acknowledges that a strong economy is fortified by strong enterprise, innovation and skills, which requires a competitive, innovative and resilient regional enterprise base. In order to achieve this competitiveness, innovation and resilience it must align itself with Irelands Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3). The definition of smart specialization areas and objectives at region, county and city level supported by a better coordination of the policy mix and services offered within the framework of the RSES can play an integral role for the down streaming of national S3 at the territory level i.e. RIS3. The RSES is an ambitious strategy that will keep pace with the accelerated rate of technological, social and economic change. Innovation is at the core of the RSES filtering into every aspect with an entire chapter dedicated to building an innovative, smart and sustainable economy based on parity of opportunity and increased well-being for the regions citizens. With the escalated pace of innovation determining how to plan for sustainable development can be difficult to anticipate however we can condition ourselves to deal with these uncertainties in a responsible way. It is estimated that 65% of children in primary schools today will work in jobs that do not yet exist, the jobs as we know them today will have changed beyond recognition and we need to plan responsibly to help the next generation deal with these kinds of uncertainties and ensure the region is not in a talent deficit.
Description of the envisaged / enhanced policy context
The RSES must be supportive of and compliant with the National Planning Framework and in turn, each local authority development and economic community plan must be consistent with the objectives of the RSES. To achieve this consistency, on completion of the RSES each planning authority in the region will formally review both their existing development and economic community plans and update them in line with the objectives outlined in the RSES. Consequently, the RSES provides the perfect mechanism for mainstreaming and embedding RRI into the forward planning of the region. The RSES advocates that spatial planning be informed by both economic and societal needs. It champions the citizen by supporting both people and places. The strategic vision is delivered through 11 key components all of which are informed by the 17 UN SDG’s.
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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