SRA MARIE project Regional Action Plan 2020 WEB

Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

This societal responsibility demonstrates the strong elements of RRI inadvertently built into the framework of the RSES such as: • Quadruple helix approach embraced through extensive public consultation process with policy makers, government departments, educators, local authorities, local and regional councillors, civil society etc.; • Where applicable cross-boundary working groups to enhance collaboration between the regions three cities to develop guidance for Local Authorities and stakeholders to focus on the protection of the environment; • Aligning outcomes with the values of society by building the 11 Strategy points around the UN SDG’s; • Actions built in to promote gender equality among other equality initiatives to align the accelerated population growth targets with the UN SDG’s

• Committed to making data publicly available;

• Actions to promote sustainable development;

• Narrowing the perceived gap between a place-based approach and RRI in embracing the RRI ethos that innovation should benefit society;

• Acknowledgement that a strong governance needs to be established.

The RSES adopted on the 29 th November 2019 is due to be published for circulation and will come into effect on the 31 st January 2020. A Monitoring Committee, which will include a representative from the SRA, will be established within 12 months of the RSES being published.

This monitoring committee will be tasked with overseeing the progress of implementation and shall examine in particular but not limited to:

• Any issues that affect the underperformance of the strategy;

• Progress made in implementation of the strategy’s evaluation plan and the follow-up on findings of evaluations; • Actions to promote gender equality, equal opportunities and non-discrimination for persons with disabilities;

• Actions to promote sustainable development.

As outlined previously the RSES embraces elements of RRI into the design however, there is a need to take this a step further and incorporate it into the governance framework. Every two years the SRA will be required to prepare a monitoring report setting out the progress made in implementing the strategy. The monitoring report will assess progress made in securing the overall objectives of the RSES.

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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