Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020
The MARIE project provides the opportunity to influence the RSES by ensuring RRI is embedded into the management and monitoring which could be done in the following ways:
• Report on how the implementation of the RSES is meeting the objectives of the UN SDG’s as aligned to the strategy;
• Report on continued engagement with civil society and demonstrate how their needs are being reflected;
• Embed RRI principles into the regional smart approach, both through the delivery and governance thus enhancing enterprise engagement with academic research;
• Report on the impact of adopting the bottom-up Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) approach as referenced in chapter 4, encouraging policy-makers to facilitate the realisation of potential opportunities identified through interaction of various key players;
• Ensure the RSES continues the constructive involvement of stakeholders;
• Roll-out of the cross boundary working groups and ensure RRI is considered to ensure agenda remains focused on safeguarding the environment for the future well-being of the citizen;
• Demonstrate transparency;
• Disseminate results and achievements to the wider public.
Initial contact has been made with the policy owner who has agreed to engage in discussion on how to incorporate RRI into the governance through monitoring and reporting.
The reporting mechanismwill be in place by January 2021 with the first report due January 2023.
The timeline for establishing the monitoring will be determined over the next 12 months and the SRA will engage with the policy owner on a regular basis to ensure elements of RRI, as outlined above, are incorporated into the monitoring and reporting. SRA will play an active role in establishing this governance and determining what format the reporting will take. Introducing RRI into the reporting at this level will encourage infiltration to the Local Authorities and relevant agencies who must align themselves to the RSES. A further aim is to educate the Regional Planning Officers who are the spokespeople for the RSES on the practical benefits of embracing RRI working practices and culture ensuring societal needs remain at the core of the RSES and lead the region to a problem oriented focus. This will facilitate the core RRI objective of ensuring research outcomes grow progressively aligned with societal values.
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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