SRA MARIE project Regional Action Plan 2020 WEB

Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

Technical feasibility check

Feasibility check items

Response Comments / details:

Have you checked which facilities and equipment have been used in the original GP?


Have you identified what kind of facilities and equipment you need according to your local context? Have you checked if these facilities and equipment are available either within your structure or stakeholders’ structures?



Have you prepared a list of facilities and equipment you need to buy or rent?


Are you aware of / have you checked the necessary procedures to buy or rent these facilities and equipment?


Financial feasibility check

Feasibility check items

Response Comments / details:

Have you checked the provisional budget and financing plan of the GPs considered in the proposed policy improvement? Have you prepared a provisional budget for the policy improvement (proposed Implementation budget)? If needed, have you contacted an expert to assess global costs of the policy improvement (Implementation budget)? Have you validated the implementation budget with the transfer and implementation team? Have you identified all possible funding sources and created a financing plan? Have you determined cost distribution between partners and other funders?






Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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