SRA MARIE project Regional Action Plan 2020 WEB

Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

The Research Centres are structured on a hub and spoke model consisting of a number of targeted projects undertaken in partnership with industry that connect into a central hub containing the platform research (specified research activity in the approved work programme) and core operations (payroll and other operational costs). A key feature of SFI Research Centres is the creation of a critical mass of internationally leading researchers in strategic areas which become a key attractant to industry and lay the foundation for effective and productive academic and industrial partnerships. The Research Centres provide the foundation for sustainable research activity which can take place in conjunction with Industry Partners and other funding agencies such as EU by leveraging against the core SFI funding, with the objective to meet the changing needs of industry and society. SFI Research Centres envisage evolving to maximise capabilities, outputs and industry offerings including the transfer of knowledge and expertise to enterprises and the spin-out of new, high- technology start-up companies that have the potential to raise external angel or venture funding. The SFI Research Centre programme will contribute to the specific objective of the investment priority by increasing the level of strategic research taking place in the S&E region, aligned with the Research Prioritisation Exercise, with strong industrial linkages and will also promote eco-innovation, where relevant. Industry partners are expected to contribute 30% of the cost of research activities in Strategic Research Centres. This relatively high industry cost-share component reflects the importance of the programme to industry and to ensure maximum impact on growth and jobs. The co-funded expenditure does not include infrastructure.

Responsibilities of Intermediary Body

S cience Foundation Ireland (SFI) will enter into an Administrative Agreement with the Regional Assembly which will set out in detail the responsibilities of each body. This agreement will be drafted initially by the Regional Assembly in consultation with SFI and the Office of Science, Technology and Innovation at the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. SFI will be responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of the intervention and for full compliance with the Regulations, particularly those concerning financial management, control, publicity and public procurement. SFI commits to revising its EU Structural Funds Procedures Manual to comply with the requirements of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Circular on the management of EU co-funded programmes 2014- 20; and the EU regulations. SFI will ensure that the beneficiary HEIs are provided with a grant award document (Letter of Offer) setting out the conditions of support for each operation, including the specific requirements concerning the products or services to be delivered under the operation, the financing plan, the time limit for execution and the conditions for use of the Structural Funds IT System 2014-2020. SFI will be responsible for the drawdown of funding fromDJEI and for the processing and authorisation of grant awards to the HEIs SFI will be responsible for ensuring that all payment claims for European Structural and Investment Fund expenditure, submitted by the relevant Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), are supported by receipted invoices and audit documents, and that a clear and sufficient audit trail exists. Verification

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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