SRA MARIE project Regional Action Plan 2020 WEB

Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

Each of the sections abovewas scored on a scale of 1-5 according to the standard score descriptions used within Sesame for assessing the quality of the applicant and research programme. New descriptions were added for rating the quality of the plans for execution and delivery whereby a score of 1 signified that the plans suffered from serious deficiencies and the Centre goals could not be delivered. A score of 5 was assigned for outstanding plans. Applicants will be provided with the anonymised postal reviews and will be invited to provide a brief written response to these reviews (i.e. applicant response). Based on the evaluations submitted by the postal reviewers and the applicant responses, SFI will select the proposals that have demonstrated a high-level of scientific excellence to progress to the Impact Panel assessment stage. Proposals not selected for the final Impact Panel meeting will be eliminated from the evaluation process. Impact Panel Presentation - The Impact Panel will comprise high-level members, such as Vice Presidents of Research from universities, corporate R&D Directors, partners from the investment and venture capital communities and entrepreneurs. . The Impact Panel will be tasked with identifying fundable proposals and will provide SFI with a list of such proposals ranked in order of priority for funding. Scores (1-5) were assigned to each proposal based on the following evaluation criteria: • Quality, significance, and relevance of the recent research record of the lead and co-applicants and the strength and cohesiveness of the applicant group, including likely synergy in delivering research and potential for international leadership • Quality, significance, and relevance of the proposed research’s potential contribution to demonstrably support and underpin enterprise competitiveness and societal development in Ireland • Quality of plans for execution and delivery of the research programme and Centre goals, including the appropriateness of the proposed milestones and deliverables The ranked list of fundable proposals will inform the final decision as to which Research Centre proposals are to be funded by SFI Executive Committee and SFI Board. The Research Centres eligible for ERDF funding in the 2014 – 2020 Operational Programme were awarded following the 2013 Research Centres Call (Appendix 1). This Call operated on a themed basis and focused on a number of areas which could generate significant economic and societal benefit for Ireland. The themes that were selected were aligned to National Research Prioritisation (NRP) areas identified by the National Research Prioritisation Exercise which was implemented as government policy in 2012.

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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