Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020
The themes for the 2013 SFI Research Centres Call were: • Future Networks and Communications (Priority Area A) • Digital Platforms, Content and Applications (Priority Area C) • Medical Devices (Priority Area E) • Diagnostics (Priority Area F) • Sustainable Food Production and Processing (Priority Area I) • Smart Grids and Smart Cities (Priority Area K) • Manufacturing Competitiveness (Priority Area L) • Software (Platform science & technology) • Geosciences Underpinning Sustainable Economic Development • Earth and Ocean Observation
In addition to the requirement for scientific excellence, applications considered under the 2013 SFI Research Centres Call needed to clearly demonstrate potential for economic and societal impact to Ireland, and this was required at both pre-proposal and full proposal stages.
The following is extracted from the 2013 Call document and sets out the selection and evaluation criteria as follows:
Eligibility Criteria of the Applicant and Co-applicants Applicant groups must have one lead applicant and between two and nine co-applicants. SFI expects that the group of lead and co-applicants will form the executive management committee of the Research Centre, with administrative responsibility for the performance of the centre. The lead applicant (and co-applicants) must be members of the academic staff of an eligible Research Body (permanent or with a contract that covers the period of the grant). Funded investigators must hold a PhD or equivalent for at least 3 years by the pre-proposal deadline. Funded Research Centres for any future calls will also be included in the Operational Programme.
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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