SRA MARIE project Regional Action Plan 2020 WEB

Regional Action Plan to support the governance of Responsible Research & Innovation in the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020

Monitoring and Reporting Arrangements

The reporting arrangements require that a progress report be submitted annually to the Monitoring Committee by the Intermediary Body in a format to be specified by the Committee. In addition, Intermediary Bodies will be required to provide data on the IT system which will be used to transfer information to the Commission. This system is currently being developed. SFI will monitor the performance of the measure at Regional and National level and will report to the Regional Assembly in the matter. The HEIs will confirm in relation to each project that the agreed proposals have been implemented though it is recognised that the nature of the research awards means that some of the benefits to the region and nationally will be in the longer term. OnanannualbasisSFIwill compilereportsonresearchproject/Programmeperformanceat intervention level, setting out progress against agreed intervention objectives and targets and performance on the horizontal principles as laid out in the reporting template. Progress reports will cover financial management details, performance indicators and qualitative information where appropriate. Given the nature of the SFI funding mechanism to HEIs, an annual report on expenditure incurred to date at research project level under the intervention will also be provided. SFI will agree the composition and format of these reports with the Managing Authority. The IT Systemwill be used to report on the intervention and to transfer information on to the Commission, including information on operations as appropriate.

Information and Publicity

SFI will ensure that the HEIs as Beneficiaries will comply section 2.2 of Annex XII of Commission Regulation 1303/2013 and with Articles 4 and 5 of Commission Implementing Regulation 821/2014. The contribution of the Irish exchequer and European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020will be acknowledged in all promotional material, annual reports, research laboratories, websites, letters of offer etc., by use of appropriate logo and text references. The relevant Structural Funds regulations on Information and Publicity will be complied with in this regard.

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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