Giving addicts a “reset ” Developers working on first digital therapy app for addiction One reason the opioid addiction epidemic has taken hold in many rural areas is that many Americans with substance use disorder live long distances from the nearest treatment providers. But a new tool may provide hope.The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently reviewing a new tool that may help remedy that geographical problem: the first prescription digital therapy designed to treat SUD. Boston and San Francisco-based Pear Therapeutics developed reSET, a mobile app used as a treatment tool concurrently with outpatient therapy centered on SUDs.The project has demonstrated better abstinence and treatment retention when applied alongside face-to-face therapy focused on SUD-related treatments for alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and stimulants.The therapy also includes a web-based program for healthcare providers. An app to help opiate addicts Pear is also developing reSET-0, an app specifically designed to help opiate addicts. Both apps consist of a patient-facing smartphone application and a clinician-facing web interface. The company raised $20 million last year with the aid of various venture companies including Arboretum Ventures, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based venture capital firm. “(reSET) will give patients and clinicians a new tool to improve therapy specifically in an area right now that is a true health epidemic in the U.S,” Dr.Thomas Shehab, managing director at Arboretum Ventures, told “It’s an extremely novel approach to central nervous system and behavioral health diseases that we didn’t see anyone else addressing in that way.”
Pear submitted reSET for review by the FDA during the first half of 2016 and says it is expected to be approved this year. Dr. Shehab said his firm is “particularly intrigued by their approach because it’s a combination of a very well-studied digital therapy being used in conjunction with other therapies.” He says, “We thought the unique makeup of the Pear team and their unique approach to digital therapies really made us feel it had the highest likelihood of success in really helping address these issues.”
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