residential program focuses on recovery from drug & alcohol abuse
The residential program at The Shoulder are certied by the Alabama Department of Mental Health. We offer unique services with a spiritual foundation and quality treatment by a Masters level staff.
While a client is a resident at The Shoulder, counselors work with him to develop a treatment plan designed to meet his individual needs.
Residential Programs While the primary focus of The Shoulder's residential program is to focus on recovery from drug and alcohol abuse, our residents are also required to work as a part of recovery. We believe that being a working and contributing member of society helps our clients assimilate better and develop a sense of self and purpose. While a client is a resident at The Shoulder, counselors work with him to develop a treatment plan designed to meet his individual needs. The client attends numerous educational and process groups, 12-step meetings, spirituality groups, substance education meetings and individual and family counseling sessions. Any IV drug user, pregnant woman, woman with dependent children or individuals who are HIV positive receive preferential treatment at The Shoulder. If you have any questions about your rights, you may call your advocate at 1-800-367-0955.
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