College – Issue 39

THE QUADRANGLE Guy finds his niche in sports journalism

Not until the last term of his final year at Christ’s College, did Guy Heveldt (13126) identify a future career. “I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do,” the TVNZ sports journalist told a group of boys while on a mentoring visit to College in July. “It wasn’t until Careers Advisor Chris Sellars sat me down and asked what I liked doing – and that was basically talking and cricket

“I nearly cried on air at the result,” he recalls, “In fact, we all did afterwards.” Tears aside, Guy has found his perfect niche. “It really is the most amazing job. I get paid to watch sport! I love being out of the office and talking to people, and every day in my job is different. I love deadlines, and I love the pressure of getting a story out in time.” And of course, while he’s happy to cover all sports stories, cricket is his passion.

– that I began to see I might be able to combine both in a job. He suggested the broadcasting degree at Christchurch Polytechnic, something I hadn’t considered, and it’s proven the best possible outcome for me.” With a Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications, majoring in Journalism under his belt, Guy’s now a familiar figure in sporting media, covering the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014 and the Cricket World Cup in the United Kingdom in 2019.

Christ’s College Canterbury


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