Piston Kits
Namura Piston Kits Namura Piston Kits. Made to exact OEM specifications. Combine this with the MSO2 (Teflon/Molybdenum blended coat) coating and hard anodizing and Namura gives you higher performance pistons without a higher price. Piston kits come with the piston individually wrapped; a set of OEM quality rings packed in theri own box, wrist pins and circlips. Namura pistons are direct replacements for OEM pistons with no modifications or dimensional adjustments needed.
ADLY Models - Scooter
Years Size Piston Kit All Years 40mm 56-W908.000.NT All Years 40mm 56-W908.000.NT All Years 40mm 56-W908.000.NT All Years 40mm 56-W908.000.NT
Piston Rings Piston Pin
Piston Clips
Small End Bearing
Fox 50
Hammerhead 50
Noble 50
Thunderbike 50
APRILIA Models - Scooter
Years Size Piston Kit All Years 40mm 56-W826+000.NT
Piston Rings Piston Pin
Piston Clips
Small End Bearing
SR 50 2010 LC
40.3mm 56-W0076.4030 *
MX 50 RS 50 SR 50
1994 - 05 40.3mm 56-W0076.4030 *
40mm 56-W0075.4000
* Please Note; Piston brand for particular item is not Namura
BKM Models - Scooter
Years Size Piston Kit All Years 40.mm 56-W908.000.NT
Piston Rings Piston Pin
Piston Clips
Small End Bearing
Xenon 50
DUCATI Models - Scooter
Years Size Piston Kit
Piston Rings Piston Pin
Piston Clips
Small End Bearing
92mm 56-W5980.92.JE *
Monster 900 ie Dark / Sport 900
1997 - 01 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE * 1991 - 02 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE * 1994 - 98 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE * 1993 - 96 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE * 2000 - 01 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE * 1998 - 01 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE * 1994 - 95 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE * 1994 - 97 92mm 56-W5980.92.JE *
Monster 900 (11.5:1)
900SS (11.5:1)
900SS CR (11.5:1) 900 Monster (11.5:1) 900 Monster Metallic 900 Monster Special
E-900 (11.5:1)
900 SS SP (11.5:1)
* Note this piston is JE brand.
ETON BEAMER Models - Scooter
Years Size Piston Kit All Years 40mm 56-W908.000.NT
Piston Rings Piston Pin
Piston Clips
Small End Bearing
Matrix 50
GY6 ENGINE Models - Scooter
Years Size
Piston Kit
Piston Rings
Piston Pin
Piston Clips
150 Scooters with GY6 Engine
All Years
*Please visit our website for current prices
* Note; Most Kits are available from standard size up to +2.00mm over size *
Tel: 01597 822 666
Fax: 01597 825 224
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