Favorite Time of the Year Devotional


By Kenn Kington Christian Comedian

Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)

While I was cleaning out my junk drawer the other day, I came across a gift card to a local restaurant that I really like. It had somehow navigated its way into the back of the drawer under other items similarly dropped into the “save it for later” compartment. Upon further inspection, I found it had my name on it! The gift card was a thoughtful gift from one of my kids desiring to give me something I would like. To my shame, it had been in the junk drawer for over two years waiting to fulfill its intended purpose. I had invited my daughter to go with me to this simple breakfast place and use the card for a daddy/daughter date. The sad reality is that I should have enjoyed it, and her company, long before the rediscovery of the gift. Too often, I find myself hearing or reading a great truth or much-needed principle from a sermon or from a reading of Scripture in my quiet time. Somehow, those nuggets of truth, those gifts of God’s Holy Spirit, get dropped into my mental junk drawer. Given in love, valuable beyond compare, opened and received with joyous need… and yet, unused. I’ve learned an amazing lesson from both the reality of having children and God’s Word itself. My kids open a gift and immediately want to go play with it, use it, or put it on! Oftentimes, they seek to enjoy it before even opening the rest of their gifts. This is the heart of a child! I cannot ignore the thought that, just maybe, God desires us to take the gifts of His truth to heart in much the same way. “Lord, what can I do with this RIGHT NOW?” In Matthew 18:3, Jesus proclaimed, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” I cannot help but think that God delights to give great gifts to all who seek Him, and that even greater joy is found in seeing us use those truths and gifts lavishly, immediately, and fully.

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