Character & Leadership

Our character & leadership programmes

Introduction We want our College graduates to go out into the world to reflect our strong traditional virtues – honesty, respect, stewardship, and compassion – that come from our faith-inspired foundation. These are virtues that we want embedded in each boy’s heart after their experience at this school. Giving the boys opportunities – through the breadth of the College programme – enables the graduate profile to emerge. Essential in this is a disposition to serve the needs of others, to show good character and develop a strong foundation for leadership. Throughout history, in times of tension and need, the world has cried out for leaders of integrity, courage, and commitment to the wellbeing of others and the greater good. We want our boys to be leaders with a strong sense of service and duty. Staff Christ’s College staff inherently exemplify the ideals of servant leadership through their roles both inside and outside the classroom, by focusing on the growth and wellbeing of our students. The development of character and the virtues acquired by students through experience are a core responsibility of College staff. Through reinforcing our ideals of leadership and character through the classroom, sports field, stages, corridors and interactions between staff and students, it becomes more than just a process of developing character and leadership. It is about living those ideals within our school community. As role models and moral exemplars, College staff carry the stewardship for developing our leaders of the future. Through professional development opportunities, staff are able to reflect on and continue to grow their own leadership capacity. Assisted by peer coaching and mentoring, staff are encouraged to be agents in their growth as educators and are supported to develop their understanding of educational leadership.

Programmes The opportunity for developing leadership and character is embedded at Christ’s College in all aspects of College life. The concept that we build our leadership capacity through growth in character is clearly reflected in the journey of boys at Christ’s College as we look to help them become leaders of the future. Years 9–11 We aim to raise awareness of Here are just some of the opportunities boys have to demonstrate character & leadership:

leadership in Years 9–11, but choose to focus on teamwork, collaboration, service and participation rather than individual leadership. We start with the understanding of character and how boys can use their character strengths to improve themselves and help others. By knowing their strengths, the boys can also look for strengths in others. By incorporating the element of service, which is not only a key part of leadership but at the core of our Anglican virtues, boys can get a sense of the importance of working for the enrichment of others. This includes practical activities, a residential programme and a dedicated Community Service Week in Year 10. The MINDfit programme at Years 9–11 complements leadership development through helping boys develop a sense of self-awareness and identity – two key components in developing leadership skills – and a compassionate understanding of others’ needs. Years 12–13 More emphasis is placed on developing different leadership skills at senior levels where we shift to leadership as action and example in more obvious ways. The explicit leadership opportunities through the senior years are the culmination of the boys’ leadership journey. Specific activities such as the annual Year 12 Emerging Leaders’ Conference, the MANifesto programme and leadership workshops expose the boys to different leadership styles, theories and ideas on how to lead. The Prefect group receives specific leadership training and coaching from the Director of Character & Leadership, with regular sessions on being an effective leader.

• Year 9 MINDfit • Year 10 MINDfit • Year 10 Community Service Week • Immerse & Inspire programme, which includes: • Lab5 entrepreneurial programme with the Ministry of Awesome • Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award Adventurous Journey • Three-day College-led programme featuring biculturalism, careers, wellbeing and leadership

• Year 11 Wellbeing Conference • Year 11 MINDfit programme

• Year 12 Emerging Leaders’ Conference • Years 12–13 MANifesto programmes • Round Square initiatives • Student committees

• College Prefects • Heads of House • Peer mentoring

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