King's Business - 1954-07


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S ummer has always been a good time to catch up on our reading. For many Christians no vacation is complete unless they have a book or two along to enjoy. Here at the Biola Book Room we have decided this summer to make available by mail order a number of today’s best­ sellers in the Christian field. In this special mail order group we’ve included books for children, fic­ tion, theology, Bible study and a pop­ ular autobiography. The autobiog­ raphy is His Banner Over M e by Martha Snell Nicholson. For years Martha Snell Nicholson’s poems have been a blessing to the hearts of count­ less thousands. Hers has been a life of deep pain and deep' joy. And the way she tells about her life is some­ thing . . . well, we think few Chris­ tians will ever forget. Here’s what the Book Review Editor for K in g ’ s B u sin ess said about Martha Snell Nicholson’s book in a recent issue. “Mrs. Nicholson’s poems have brought comfort, b le s s in g and strength to countless thousands. Her autobiography will be welcomed by all who have been so blessed. Most of the book relates the story of her childhood, high school and early col­ lege days in and near Tacoma, Wash. The reader had best prepare himself to be alternately howling with laugh­ ter and holding back tears. The sub­ ject’s facility of expression and imag­ ination (she frequently reports the remarks of her guardian angel) is delightful. The later years of suffer­ ing and writing will encourage the faint-hearted to renew dependence upon Martha Snell Nicholson’s Sav­ iour. Few books have brought more blessing to the reviewer.” This book will make delightful summer reading for you or will make an ideal thank you gift for those you visit this summer. The book is print­ ed by .Moody Press in an attractive red cloth binding with a red and gold jacket. There are 192 pages and the price is just $2.50. Now here is a brief note about the other 13 books that we’ve selected for your summer reading. Children Man-Eaters Don't Knock — Charles Lud­ wig. Here you meet Missionary Green and his two native boys, Ndama and 10

Ochella. They learn about Simba (that’s the man-eater) and go to the village to help trap him. Everything they try fails, until one dark night when the man-eater grabs Chemel! Then, things happen and the whole tribe turns to the message of the white man’s Saviour. 68 pages. $1.00. Man-Eaters and Masai Spears — Charles Ludwig. This time Missionary Green and his boys go into the Masai tribe, famous for their spears. Almost before they get there they are tricked by two husky warriors who bring the three before Mbya, wily, tricky witch doctor. He almost feeds the boys to the vultures, hyenas and Simba, before Ndama becomes hero of the hunt. Mbya’s influence disappears and the gospel message prevails. 69 pages. $1.00. Both of these thrilling adventure stories are published by Scripture Press. The Moody Bible Story Book. This book was brought out last Christmas by Moody Press and has proved to be one of the finest in its field. It’s illustrated in color and tells in 633 pages the great stories of both the Old and New Testament. Ideal for children of all ages, this is something you’ll want as an added attraction for your youngsters while they’re away from school this summer. Or perhaps you’ll want to order an extra one for a birth­ day or for next Christmas. 633 pages. $4.95. Adult Fiction The Jade Elephant — Elise Fraser. This story is laid in San Francisco— some of it in historic Chinatown. The jade elephant comes on the scene early in the story, and —talk about your modem mysteries! Here is one every fiction reader will enjoy through the last word. There is intrigue, romance and excitement, in addition to a sound Christian message. 190 pages. $2.00. Steep Ascent ——Dorothy Dennison. Story of a surgeon written by the wife of a surgeon. This book unfolds for the reader the story of a boy and a girl, their fam­ ilies, education, choice of vocations, ro­ mance and marriage. It’s a heartwarm­ ing story you’ll often think back to. 351 pages. $3.25. Theology The Westminster Pulpit, Vol. 1. The preaching of G. Campbell Morgan. Here are 26 messages, printed word-for-word just as G. Campbell Morgan, prince of expositors, preached them to the multi­ tudes from his pulpit in historic West­ minister Chapel, London, England. With introduction by Wilbur M. Smith. 351 pages. $4.00. The Basis of Pre-Millennial Faith — Charles Colwell Ryrie. Intelligent Chris­ tians will find this book strengthens the foundations of our faith and answers effec­ tively the attacks that have been made on the imminence of our Lord’s return, on the mass of prophecy on Israel’s future and the Church’s future in the kingdom. Dr. Ryrie is an instructor at Dallas The­ ological Seminary. 157 pages. $2.50. Re-Thinking the Rapture — E. Schuyler

English. W ill the Church be on the earth through the Tribulation or will it escape the Tribulation? If the Rapture takes place before the Tribulation or midway through it, will all the Church be taken or only an elect portion? And what about the mid-Tribulation teaching? These and other puzzling questions about the Rapture are discussed in this volume. Dr. E. Schuyler English, the successor to Dr. A. C. Gaebelein as the Editor of Our Hope, is also the Editor of The Pilgrim, a missionary paper, and editor-in-chief of the Pilgrim Edition of the Holy Bible. 123 pages. $2.25. Bible Study The Christian and His Bible — Douglas Johnson. Dr. Douglas Johnson, General Secretary of the Inter Varsity Fellowship in London, explains in a readable and non-technical way the Christian under­ standing of a Holy Scripture. Using the Bible as its own interpreter, he answers the attempts of science and scholarship to relativise its authority and inspiration, and sets forth the essential grounds for the acceptance of the Old and New Testa­ ment canon. 144 pages. $2.00. God's Plan of the Ages — Louis T. Talbot. In this Bible study book, Dr. Talbot, Chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, takes the reader from Genesis through Revelation. Book includes 7 x 18 in. chart that graphically shows God’s dealings from creation to re-creation. 199 pages. Paper. $1.35. Bible Questions Explained — Louis T. Tal­ bot. This book follows the popular ques­ tion and answer method used by Dr. Tal­ bot each month in the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . (See page 35 of this issue.) Has topical and scripture indexes. 280 pages. Paper. $1.75. Addresses on Romans — Louis T. Talbot. No portion of the sacred writings is more appropriate for our times than Paul’s Epis­ tle to the Romans. Through its prayerful study, sinners will be justified by faith, and Christians will be established in the fundamental doctrine of the grace of God. 237 pages. Paper. $1.75. Bible Readings for the Family Hour — Martin P. Simon. To fill a recognized need for devotional material for families with young children, Dr. Simon has com­ piled this book. Whole sections are given to the life of Christ, Moses, Samuel, Eli­ jah and Esther. The questions are designed to bring out the chief teaching points of the Biblical account and to encourage dis­ cussion. Prayers in language which chil­ dren understand will encourage them to free expression of their desires Godward. 368 pages. $3.00. That's the selection. Just tell us the ones you want and we'll do the rest. Thank you. Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17. — Adv. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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