King's Business - 1954-07


Jam e s O . H e n ry , M .A ., Editor, Associate prof, of History, Bioia Bible College

A Father’s Heart Keeps Child Alive

months of study in 'the course of which testimony was taken from scores of national and regional au­ thorities in the medical, judicial and law enforcement fields. Harry J. Anslinger, United States Commissioner of Narcotics, told the committee that “ drug addicts in this country had increased in number from 48,000 in 1949 to 60,000.” In California the committee found there were 20,000 illegal users in addition to about 32,000 using narcotics under prescription. Felony arrests on nar­ cotic charges in California increased from 3,000 in 1948 to 6,484 in 1953. Of the 1953 arrests, 4,449-r-more than two thirds—were in L.A. County, a 25 per cent increase in a year. The ~ reports declared this growth due to the fabulous profits possible. A pound of heroin smuggled into California from Mexico or the Orient at a cost to the original handler of 500 to 1,000, dollars might be pro­ cessed into 153 capsules that would bring more than one million dollars. Still Raided The New Jersey state police re­ cently raided a farm and confiscated a still described as “ one of the largest ever seized in northern New Jersey.” In a two-story barn, the police found one thousand five hundred gallons of one hundred eighty-proof alcohol in five-gallon cans, eight huge fermenta­ tion vats and a set-up for producing 2,000 gallons of illicit alcohol a day. The alcohol was valued at nine thou­ sand dollars. Perhaps the readers of this article will recall all the promises made by the advocates of the repeal of the 18th Amendment, promising to eradi­ cate bootlegging and illicit manufac­ turing of alcoholic liquor. This is an account of totjjl failure. The American public is about to be taken in again by one of the many false gestures made by the Russian Government. According to a recent report a Goodwill Mission Moscow to Greet Religious Mission

arranged by the World Parliament of Religions has received from the So­ viet embassy a promise of a week- long sojourn in Moscow this summer. The Reverend Richard E. Evans, di­ rector of the Presbyterian Labor Tem­ ple and chairman of the inter-faith body, said that in mid-March he had obtained 30 visa applications from the attache' in the Soviet em­ bassy in Washington. Mr. Evans said, “ Efforts to seek entry into the Soviet Union had been aided sub­ stantially by Senator Alexander W i­ ley of Wisconsin, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee.” According to Mr. Evans, the Goodwill Mission will leave New York by air on August 10 returning about Sep­ tember 27. It will circle the globe, stopping off en route at Belgrade, East Berlin, Warsaw, and Moscow. According to Mr. Evans, “ The Goodwill Mission will meet with cler­ gy and lay leaders in the interest of furthering world peace through re­ ligion.” It should be strikingly evident to the Christian that this is another false gesture on the part of Russian officials. By their actions, they have shown no interest in either peace or religion. Mental Health Howard A. Rusk, M.D., recently wrote a revealing article prepared in observance of Mental Health Week in which he reported the following— “ One in every twelve of our children will go to a mental hospital sometime during his life for treatment of a severe mental illness. Nine million Americans—one out of every sixteen suffer from a mental or emotional disorder. A quarter of a million of our fellow citizens will be newly admitted to mental hospitals this year. Every other patient going to a physician suffers froQi an illness linked with mental or emotional prob­ lems.” This startling report of man’s .mental condition is another evidence , of his fear of the unknown, fears which can be alleviated only through a knowledge of God’s salvation.

University of Minnesota surgeons disclosed recently that they cured a little girl’s heart defect in a dra­ matic operation during which hei father kept her alive with the power of his own heart, lungs and blood­ stream. In the new technique, the father lay anesthetized on an operat­ ing table beside his child. Their bloodstreams were linked by thin plastic tubes, so that her blood flowed through his body, was replenished with oxygen and returned. The Minnesota team said the operation has been tried on two other children with life-threatening heart defects and ’ is widely applicable for this kind of surgery. In all three cases the operation itself was successful— but one child later died of pneumonia. The doctors added that this “ con­ trolled cross-circulation,” in which the blood systems of two people are joined through a simple pump and made to function as one, may revolu­ tionize the treatment of heart defects now considered inoperable. This new innovation in medical science may startle the world, how­ ever, it should not be so surprising to the Bible-believing Christian be­ cause it is the life-giving blood of our Lord Jesus Christ shed on Cal­ vary that sustains our spiritual life. Therefore, this new medical discovery will serve as an excellent illustration in the physical realm of that which took place over nineteen hundred years ago on Calvary in the spiritual realm. Narcotic Addicts Increase on Coast “ One third of the nation’s 60,000 drug addicts are in California” a special investigating commission re­ ported to State Attorney General Edmund G. Brown, recently. The commission recommended r a d ic a l steps to cope with the problem, in­ cluding officially regulated dispensa­ tion of narcotics ter incurable addictl.’,' . The report summarized seven



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